All my meshes have good 2nd UVs for Light Map info, or in some cases the unwrap was unique enough to only need the first.
The problem I am having is.. what I can only call Shadow LOD.
I have my Light Map Res turned up high on some larger objects, but this setting is not my problem it would seem, by scientific method. It affects all my models regardless of size or Light Map Res.
As I get about 3 feet from ANY static mesh, the shadows shift (sort of downgrade a little); about 10 feet later they shift one more time. Getting closer they have to POP back into their higher, cleaner, resolution.
How can I control how far, and how smoothly this transitions? My meshes look good up close, once the highest shadow level has popped in.
I did a test video a few days ago. And [ame=""]HERE[/ame] at 720 and about 40 seconds you can see it happen, it shifts in, and then one more time, and then looks it's best.
Like when I did my skydome. I am trying to, rather than bother you all, compare my settings to those in the Dev Kit to see what the differences are. I know how to turn of MIP mapping on my sky textures, but, how do I do it on the lights?
O_O Wait, you mean to say I have to go to the lightMAPS and tell THEM to not MIP EVER time. Wow, yeah, that WOULD be a pain the in ass.
Well I have gone into my level, selected ALL the lightmaps there, and then gone to properties > NoMipMap. And even though I saved them, the problem persists in previews.
Go into "Lighting Build Options" ( The lightbulb icon)
Un Check "Generate Building LOD Textures"
Then rebuild your lighting solution.
I just went into the properties of my dominant directional light and didn't see that option, where might I find it?
EDIT: Did you mean the Trace field? I tried increasing that, but I am still experiencing bad popping of shadows on all static meshes based on distance. Its really annoying. Its probably just some setting I'm overlooking.
Just to make sure. What version of UDK are you running?
try this, my scene was lodding all my lightmaps - now it isnt. Ive fiddled with so much shit in the .ini file im not sure whats done it haha
I like the way you put it "makes gfx gooder" - thats good enough for me
It forces all your bitmaps to be rendered at full size all the time. There's a description of how to use it here:
Thank you so much for this bUseTextureStreaming finally solved everything
It is not a good idea to turn that off at all. If the problem is lightmap lodding then the correct solution are following settings in Engine ini
Increase or decrease streaming factor.
If the streaming issue exists in specific textures, set just those textures to never stream.