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[Portfolio] – Ezra Lau, 3D Artist

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eazy polycounter lvl 9
Hello to you all.

I've just updated my portfolio site and demo reel, so if you wouldn't mind terribly and take a few mins to check out both of them and provide some crits/feedback on layout, content, or just about anything I would truly appreciate it. Thanks much!

Demo Reel: http://vimeo.com/19736657


  • CrackRockSteady
    I don't have any feedback on the content for you right now, but the first thing that stuck out, everyone is probably going to tell you not to label any of the work as "assignments" or something you did in school. Even if the work is top notch (and from just quickly clicking through, your work does look very good), it may be perceived as amateur simply because you've labeled it as student work. Just present all your work as though it was done professionally.
  • PatrickL
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    PatrickL polycounter lvl 9
    You should really narrow your portfolio down to your best work.
  • Dr Stench
    If you are a professional I suggest you at least create a simple website with a clear conspectus of good stuff you have done. I hate when people use blogspot for that. So do potential employers.
  • mutatedjellyfish
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    mutatedjellyfish polycounter lvl 10
    No offense, but my experience is most employers I've had contact with don't care where your work is hosted as long as they can see it.
  • Dr Stench
    No offense, but my experience is most employers I've had contact with don't care where your work is hosted as long as they can see it.

    You obviously have little concept about the hold back you are suffering when presenting yourself in such a way.
  • Mike Yevin
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    Mike Yevin polycounter lvl 11
    who says that someone needs to fork over money for hosting and a domain when you can easily use things like blogger, word press or even weebly? i will agree that the work on the blog needs to be presented in such a way that it is professional, clear, and easy to view, but imo there is absolutely nothing wrong with using a blog to host your portfolio.

    back to the original post by eazy, i think you need to remove things like that ridiculous live traffic feed, and think a little bit more on your text color choice in some instances (the black on dark grey can get a little difficult to read). also ill agree with PatrickL about narrowing down your work to 3-5 of your best pieces, then try and present those right up front of the homepage. also id suggest making your email a little easier to see, or possibly put it up in the header image instead of where the content goes.

    is it just me or does making a demo reel seem unnecessary? i remember seeing somewhere that an employer will only watch the first 10-20 seconds of it or some ridiculous thing. and the way i see it, why have one when all the same work is represented on the exact same page?
  • mutatedjellyfish
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    mutatedjellyfish polycounter lvl 10
    Dr Stench wrote: »
    You obviously have little concept about the hold back you are suffering when presenting yourself in such a way.

    So just to be perfectly clear, you're saying that this guy


    "OBVIOUSLY has no concept about the hold back he is suffering"?

    By the way, Ezra, I agree with what was said above. That live traffic feed thing is neat, but it seems like clutter, particularly due to it contrasting so highly with the rest of the page. I don't know if it really ads anything to showcasing your work either.

    Edit: I'm also wondering why your reel appears twice, once on the side, and once in the body, on a 1-page site.
  • eazy
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    eazy polycounter lvl 9
    hey thanks for all the great feedback! :D It's really helpful to get some fresh eyes on this stuff.
  • Hayden Zammit
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    Hayden Zammit polycounter lvl 12
    Originally Posted by Dr Stench viewpost.gif
    You obviously have little concept about the hold back you are suffering when presenting yourself in such a way.

    So just to be perfectly clear, you're saying that this guy


    "OBVIOUSLY has no concept about the hold back he is suffering"?

    His work is obviously awesome, but yeah I too think a blog isn't as good as a proper folio site. You have to scroll through too much clutter with blogs.
  • Dr Stench
    So just to be perfectly clear, you're saying that this guy


    "OBVIOUSLY has no concept about the hold back he is suffering"?

    Actually I think this guy is experienced enough to have an idea about the hold back he is suffering from presenting such great work in such an average way.

    Although in this case it's not that bad cause ALL he shows is art.
  • Habboi
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    Habboi sublime tool
    I don't have experience but from reading Naughty Dog's guide to the perfect Portfolio, they suggest any site with a decent template will do. In the end you are showing them your work, not your site design skills.

    However I too fall into that discrimination category and quite often don't give my full attention when looking at a portfolio on blogger. It's rather unfair and ignorant of me to be honest but you have to admit a nice designed site just presents your work that tiny bit better. Consider it, domains and hosting are cheap these days.
  • JustinPunio
    Dr Stench wrote: »
    Actually I think this guy is experienced enough to have an idea about the hold back he is suffering from presenting such great work in such an average way.

    Although in this case it's not that bad cause ALL he shows is art.

    I tend to agree, a website would look more professional and if it looks and feels pro 'no one' will complain. Whereas like the Doc said some recruiters dont like blog formats regardless of how good the art it. Point is, a website gallery format is best for displaying your work. So why take a chance that they may or may not like it and just set up a decent website?

    Good luck!
  • arvinmoses
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    arvinmoses polycounter lvl 13

    I think the work looks good. Good characters, nice texturing, and good animation.

    I think it might be too general. Like it looks like you can do a little of everything, but it doesn't showcase you in one particular area.

    Overall though I think it looks good.
  • Snader
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    Snader polycounter lvl 15
    No offense, but my experience is most employers I've had contact with don't care where your work is hosted as long as they can see it.

    Then why do you have a dedicated website?


    Your content is spread too thin. You have 3 slow turnarounds per character. A 10k-poly normal mapped character + zbrush sculpt warrants that. A 2k-triangle, 512² lowpoly model doesn't. I also don't care enough about pears to look at one for six seconds.

    I'm also gonna echo the use of a blog and mentioning being a student as unprofessional, but as you're still a student it can be forgiving not shelling out money for a proper site. I do advise you to get working on something though.

    Models are decent, could be a bit better though. The lowpoly has some priority issues, and the taurus's pectorals are not connected to the shoulders (also he's a bit too simple/tubular but that's partially stylistic). The "butchered meat" props are as bland as they can get. The hobo looks way too smooth compared to the concept - beard is a blob, limbs are spaghetti.

    Your textures are a bit more of an issue though, I think. First of all, there's hardly any.There's the procedural stuff, but that's hardly of use for games. (p.s. in general your work isn't particularly game oriented. You'll probably want to focus on either games or animation, not do both) The bull has a dead simple texture, almost looks like it's just vertex shading.

    The DomWar texture feels rather flat -try to use less of pure black (lines on the boots/armor and the arms). It also lacks a good focal point because of similar geen-lines-on-grey everywhere. Currently his loincloth/ is the most eyecatching, because of the green standing out against the black, and because the shapes are more clear than the rest of the model. You generally want the focal point to be either the chest or the face - in your case likely the chest.

    Your sketches/2D work is nice. It'd be cool if you translated some of those thoughts such as the "Hero, Sidekick, Villain" or the "Robot Joe" to 3d.
  • eazy
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    eazy polycounter lvl 9
    @snader: love your feedback, man! thanks so much for giving such specific and direct crits; i know taking time to review stuff like this isn't always fun.

    Thanks to everyone still commenting. I really appreciate the time you guys are giving to help me out. Just as a quick question (i haven't even thought about hosting before) where's a good place to start looking into web-hosting and getting a personal domain? I'm assuming "just google it" would probably work? >_<
    haha you guys are the BEST.
  • ivanushka
    Eazy, I've been happy using the GoDaddy.com hosting solution for two (going on three years) now. They even have a very friendly GUI ftp interface for loading all your web files onto your purchased hosting space. It costs me about 45-60US dollars per year for domain name renewal and hosting space. Not bad! Good luck man.
  • mutatedjellyfish
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    mutatedjellyfish polycounter lvl 10
    Snader wrote: »
    Then why do you have a dedicated website?

    I've kept a website for the past 12 years, just for fun. It's my hobby. I don't feel like it hurts me or helps me. In the end, it only matters what your work looks like and that the person looking at it can see it easily.

  • unstoppablex
  • Argen
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    Argen vertex
    Are you up for collaboration? I'm looking for a fantasy artist for a game I'm working on, some art would be nice for that. However, if you want pay, it may not be immediate, it will only be post-launch and then we divide the loot after we get paid. :-P I don't see why I see mainly negative comments here, to me your stuff looks good. We seem to have the same interests, so if you're interested in joining my team, then let me know! Look at my topics for information about the game. :-)
  • Maximum-Dev
    Argen said:
    Are you up for collaboration? I'm looking for a fantasy artist for a game I'm working on, some art would be nice for that. However, if you want pay, it may not be immediate, it will only be post-launch and then we divide the loot after we get paid. :-P I don't see why I see mainly negative comments here, to me your stuff looks good. We seem to have the same interests, so if you're interested in joining my team, then let me know! Look at my topics for information about the game. :-)
    How did you even manage to find this thread after 7 years.
  • eazy
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    eazy polycounter lvl 9
    I also am very curious... Good hit of nostalgia here, though :smile:
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