Hi Guys!
I hope this is not a stupid question, but I can't seem to figure out how to export only a specific couple of frames...
for clarification what I have is frames 1 to 100, but I only want to export frames 10-40...
In case it matters; I'm exporting to FBX using the 2009FBX plug-in from Maya 2011!
any help would be much appreciated!
window/rendering editors/render settings. Choose an image type and your frame range then batch render
I want to export them, to use for a game!...
I was hoping there was some way to select the specific frames to export... much like you suggest with the rendering options... so I can easily export out, say the attack1 animation, and test it in my game, do changes and export it again without having to bake (or delete) everything each time...
If you need to do running changes in the animation I guess my approach could be kind of time consuming, but maybe you could benefit from splitting up your animations in different scenes. Then you would only have to do it once. It might also make your animations easier to manage, assuming the skinning is all done.
The thing is I'm building a character for an Role-Playing game, and my designers requested that we should be able to equip the character with new stuff (i.e. armor, weapons, etc.).. So in order to save time down the line I'm just going to attach and skin all armor pieces to the same rig so I won't have to make the animations more than once..
This also means that if I separate the file into smaller files only containing a single animation each, I would have to attach and skin the same piece of equipment once for each animation.. not a nice thing IMO!.
So just doing all animations in one file works fine for me... buut... my programmer really wants all the animations separately as that will ease his process.. so now I'm desperately trying to figure out the best way to accommodated for both our needs..
Being able to export specific frames from a file would be the ideal case... but maybe theres another solution?.. I even tried looking into MEL scripting it.. but it didn't seem to be the way either...
Your method of deleting everything else could work... and I might submit to that in the end, but I'm just baffled that there is no simple way of exporting specific frames..
I sat together with my programmer determined to solve this and we found a way!..
If anyone is interested; the way we did it, was by letting the game engine (in our case Unity) automatically split the animations through a script.. So all I have to do is create an Animation Chart, which is basically just a .txt file specifying the animations and their specifice frame numbers!
So now everybody is happy.!..
Thanks for your input Modesty Blaze!..
Could you elaborate a bit on how this works?..
Seems to be a very efficient tool for you collective pipeline.. However, it also seems to be something one should use with a little bit caution!
anyway if somebody wants to know more about it I suggest reading this short walk-through/tutorial...
Thanks to jipe for bringing the subject up!...
The only downside to it is the whole namespace for the referenced notes... For Maya alone its not so much a problem, but when working with a game engine it may start to create problems...
We are working with Unity3D which is mostly very nice as it can connect the animations to the master file automatically if the naming convention is right, buut.. if the notes doesn't share names, it will get all confused and do nothing.. So thats a bit of a pickle when Maya insists on having that blasted namespace infront of any note...
However it is possible to just add the namespace to the master file once it is imported to unity and then the problem is solved.. So I guess the best thing to do is to create a script that does this automatically on import and your good to go...