It's cheap, it's clean, and it has some really cool potential. It's only 100ppi, but still, think about the ability to sketch something on the go, or write down some ideas, or jot notes in a meeting. With a free firmware upgrade you can listen to music via headphones and read PDF's. Not too bad for $99! I guess it does OCR too, which converts your handwriting to text. Also has wifi, but not interwebs.
Was just about to say the same thing. $99 for the luxury of being able to draw in 3 colours, "on the go"?
Buy a moleskin and a pack of felt tips.
is this a marketing joke or what?
however to be fair, this is quite useful for restaurant, or any work that need quick note digitally
This device looks like it takes the best features of e-Reader digital paper and throws in a stylus-based touchscreen. I love doing quick sketches and taking notes. But having multiple notepads around gets tedious, and I can't stand going to the trouble of scanning all of my concept sketches. I've got a big file folder full of them. I could really use a device like this, even if I could never expect to produce finished products with it.
I find myself wanting something to take notes with as well. I dont like having a stack of paper on my desk of notes, or emailing myself reminders or whatnot.
I could use the notepad thing in my Iphone, but typing on my phone can be annoying and I cant draw pictures if I need to then.
The MS Courier is what I was really interested in, but then they canceled it
That's exactly why I'd consider getting this. I always have a yellow notepad on my desk to jot down quick notes or have a list of tasks and sometimes it gets a bit messy having sheets of yellow paper scattered around. This seems like it could be a nice solution to that. Plus it'd save a bunch of paper.
EDIT: Also for those of you asking if it's released or not, I found this at the bottom of the page on their site.
Open source software/hardware is a nice touch as well, I'm sure people will 'hack' in some neat features. I'd personally code one of those buttons to toggle a 'point to point' straight line mode (though it would probably take C or C++ knowledge for that
What's a ruler? /sarcasm
I'm very happy to see that it's an open platform too, some interesting things can come out of that.
Free Wifi option, free firmware updates, PDF, MP3... this thing is like the best notepad ever.
I wonder what it feels like when you draw on it, if they replicate paper... it's an instant buy.
Do want even more.
would like to see something that makes me actually believe its gonna come true
Agreed. I'm totally going to let myself get hyped up though.
although I wonder how many resources are destroyed to create one slate..
Man, I hate to be the "actually" guy, but the rain forests are being torn down for farming. Since the soil is poor for that purpose as it's poor in nutrients, they have to keep tearing down more forest for usable land. Paper is produced from trees grown for that specific purpose.
Regardless, I sorta want one of these, haha. Sort-of.
A little.
Blue for sure!
Black is astically pleasing though :poly136: