So I'm currently finishing up my Brooklyn City scene, in the meantime I'm planning out my next environment entitled " The Dragon Temple". Basically its a ancient giant flying Japanese dragon with a massive ancient huge city on the back of it. In the bottom right corner will be a samurai warrior at an edge of a cliff. Thats basically it. I think its gonna look cool once its done, I've only began concepting my ideas out and have a some pics below for you guys to take a look at. for the head of the dragon I'm planning on a having an old ancient look to it, having parts of the Japanese temple make up its face, instead of all scale/skin. I'm hoping to finish blocking this out in max some time soon !

ErichWK: haha, that scene its gonna take a while, i need to make a ton of tiling brick textures
This is a render of the samurai - ish character that'll be using. Its the same character model i used for the snow temple scene. I'll be re texturing this one.
I hope to block out the scene by next week, the 18th is my deadline for the block out. ( very simple stuff, no actually layout)
I'll be posting sketchs, project outlines and a few other things in this thread in the meantime, since i wont really get started on this project in till i finish that Brooklyn scene !
By the way, cheers for the Ratatat avy, those dudes rock! Love the remixes!
That being said, not going to discourage you, as it sounds like a really interesting idea if nothing else. Believability might be the absolute opposite of what you're going for. You might just be wanting it to look really cool.
And it would definitely look cool.
I think we left believability at the door right there.
The scene sounds neat. I'd personally push for the dragon to take a back seat to the city, where it's more a part of the landscape than in the foreground. It'd also be interesting to see parts of the dragon integrated into the city itself - scales, fins, etc as structure, reinforcing the theme. It looks like you have a bit of that in the closeup sketch, but it's a bit hard to read.
@griffinax: thanks, dude i LOVE RATATAT !!!! remixes 4 Life broski***
@Two Listen: My answer to this: Surrealism
@Artifice: there will be alot of integration w/ the city and the dragon. I dont want it to look like the city is just glued on, put really part of the dragon. As if the dragon and city are one....
Here is a quick sketch of a profile view and top view of the dragon head. I'm going to going more in detail for the head, but this is the direction i want to take it in. The Top view might be a bit confusing. So i really looked at the transformers concept art (jetfire dude) and i really like how his head is covered with multiple sheets of metal. In my concept i'm gonna do the same thing, but with Japanese style roofs. weird i know. But i think it'll look real cool !
Some sad news....
It seems that my file has corrupted/ just not working. I'm using a max file that was once a 2009 file ( I'm using my "Temple Scene" file) then brought that file into max 2010 to make my Snow temple scene. But now that i brought it into max 2011, i've been running into huge problems. File crashing right after loading up, crashes. So i'm basically putting this project on hold in till i can get my file working. I've tried alot of different things...and hoping to find a solution soon. But in the mean time i'm gone post my next project soon !!!
I'm still sketching out a few more things before blocking it out in Max. It still has the same idea of the "Dragon Temple" but in this case the temple and the dragon are one in the same.
the curving line going around the temple is who the dragon is gonna warp around the temple.
The foreground temple is inspired by the basic shape of the pyramids. I'm keeping some elements made i've in my past environment scene. The Statues and lanterns, the layout will be different - just reusing assets
did a super quick block out in max.
i'll post back with some paint over and contact sheet.
Pushed the foreground elements a lot more.
Looking forward to another update!
About composition- I like it in general, but as for me on the left hand side there is a lot of detail. They should be slightly shifted to the side) Just in my view)
still lots to do...
that looking great .. keep it up
Will the lamps have lights in the final render?
@Borgleader,chazzur: Thanks !
@theonewhoknocks: i actually started this back in 2011... but the my ideas changed over time... and finally have lead my to this. Its not as good as the original idea of actually having a giant dragon warped around a mountain... but i'm still happy with the overall progress.
@Fenyce: I'm hoping to add elements like that... the overall scene still lacks a sense of "active" life. Adding the glow will certainly help
edit: Didn't read, my bad, continue the awesome-sauce.
my ideas changed a lot over time.. then again i started this two years ago, and it changed a lot :P
Yup, still @Ubi.