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Pillar Capital Workflow

polycounter lvl 5
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DarKMessiah34 polycounter lvl 5
Hey I was wondering how do I go about modeling this? I have tried and tried to break this down into manageable parts but cant seem to do it. I have tried splines, but maybe I am not doing it right. Would making a cube and just hammering out the ornate leaf bits in zbrush work?

Anyone have any explanations or tutorials that might help?

I use 3ds Max and Zbrush.



  • ariofighter
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    ariofighter polycounter lvl 13
    The thing that always helps me with problems like this is to take this pic into photoshop and "draw" the polys over the image. This will help you get an idea for where your poly placement needs to be and will also make sure you stick to the shape of the object. Then once you have done that it should be easier to start modeling bit by bit.

    Also you only need to model half of the larger "coil" and half of the "leaf thing" because you can mirror them and then rotate them around the pillar.

    I'm not saying it will work for you or everyone, but its what I do and it may help you out a bit.

    Good luck and post pics as you figure it out.
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 18
    Have you actually given any attempt to start modeling it and see what works. TRY and FAIL. Take notes. Move on. This is a good learning exercise. So learn from it. Don't ask to be spoon fed.

    It's symmetrical and parts repeat. So break it down that way. You should probably only have to model out a small fraction of this. Mirror it and boom done.

    Also model it flat (atleast the flowers) then use FFD or a Bend modifier to get desired shape.

    I personally would use polys.
  • DarKMessiah34
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    DarKMessiah34 polycounter lvl 5
    Good idea with drawing poly's in Photoshop. Yes I have attempted this multiple times, why would I post on here if I could of solved it myself? I thought a workflow on this could be carried over to many objects. Is this in relation to Kevin Johnstone's post recently? OK, the leaves are not so much the problem it more the curvy part on the end of them that is. Is it ok to model that as a separate piece and just potato head that?
  • Xenobond
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    Xenobond polycounter lvl 18
    I'd totally go with painting over the image. While you're drawing out potential polys, go ahead and clean up the lighting. make the planes of light and dark stick out so you can read the shapes easier.

    With all the paint and diffused lighting, the forms can get lost in there.

    I made something like this a while back and used splines to get the base work done on the Volute.
  • mortalhuman
    Is this in relation to Kevin Johnstone's post recently?

    I thought so too :x
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 18
    No this is not in relation to KJs post. It is in relation to there was no wips posted or any failed attempts shown which usually means someone hasn't done a thing yet or tried to.

    Drawing the polys is a good way to quickly break it down into simple forms and use that drawing to mask out the parts that repeat and don't have to be modeled more than once because they can be cloned.

    But like I said. Try it and post your failures. Then we can help you with why you aren't getting it right
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