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Weighting a facial rig

polycounter lvl 14
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ablaine polycounter lvl 14
Are there any tutorials out there for skinning/weighting facial rigs? I'm getting ready to weight a character for a Dragon Age mod I'm working on. The toolset uses FaceFX, and I'm trying to ensure that I weight the verts properly so that it deforms correctly.

Does anyone have any tips for doing so? My initial instinct is to just import a standard human male head into max which is already weighted, and then just mimicking the weights as best I can on my mesh.

Any suggestions? Tips? Tricks? Things to look out for? I'm using max2011.



  • Mark Dygert
    If your head is roughly the same size and shape of the imported model, you can try using the skinwrap modifier on your new head, target the imported model, and try tweaking the values to see how well it follows along. From skinwrap you can then convert it to skin and do any clean up you need.
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