Does anyone know of a plugin for max that will take a selection of objects and randomize placment? Ideally something with per axis control for move, rotate, and scale? Seems like this should be built into max- maybe it is and I just don't know about it?
You should be able to do all you need here. I'm not sure if it will randomize them as you place them to the extent you're looking for, but you could just as easily clone them a few times and rotate/scale them in a sub-object mode to make your variants.
I think it's in older versions too.
scriptspot is down, but I saw a script that does random scattering before, better than the more limited scatter compound object.
You can also use reactor to scatter or pile up objects, he covers that on his site too.
Particle flow and reactor can be a bit unpredictable and hard to dial in if you're wanting something very specific. Particle flow is great for large scale randomization of stuff like rocks in a path or branches/leaves on trees.
I'm looking for something that doesn't randomly generate copies but instead randomizes the placement of existing geometry.
The specific use I had in mind was creating a wall of brick objects which would be placed perfectly and then being able to go in and noise up their position and rotation values to make it look less mathematical before I bring it into z brush to sculpt them.
By the way that paint tool would have saved me a ton of time with the rubble project I just finished.
Sry, if you already know about it
Attach all objects together, add 'Material by Element' modifier or whatever it's called, and assign as many random id's as you like. Then select by mat id and local rotate/move/scale.
Not entirely random or automated but maybe a quicker solution?