the ending with the flags and fireworks was priceless, exactly how eye rollingly bad some of the moments in COD are. like the final shot in blackops, entire navy, jets flying above....AMERICA! FUCK YEA!
A bunch of us at Insomniac crowded around and watched someone play this. We decided Resistance 3 sucks and needs to be more like Duty Calls. In fact, every game sucks and needs to be more like Duty Calls.
heheh. im probably biased but.....even though that was funny for me, am i the only one who sees the incredible hypocrisy here? I played the bulletstorm demo when it came out (a couple days before i saw this video) and my thoughts were this: there was a long-winded speech before the game starts. You get "points" and some kind of title whenever you kill an enemy. the three ways you could kill an enemy (it was a demo, i know) 1.whip them towards you and then 2. shoot them in SLOW MOTION or 3. kick them (Which feels good, ill admit). after that you get some pun riddled message and X amount of points. Then you get to a special area where you literally press a button and some event happens much like a cutscene. Am i wrong?
You can argue about design of FPS-games today but heck we all know that it took frickin forever too finish Doom 1-2 mainly because you got lost every 2 seconds and who has all that time to spend these days?
The video was hilarious though! Loved the briefing.
heheh. im probably biased but.....even though that was funny for me, am i the only one who sees the incredible hypocrisy here? I played the bulletstorm demo when it came out (a couple days before i saw this video) and my thoughts were this: there was a long-winded speech before the game starts. You get "points" and some kind of title whenever you kill an enemy. the three ways you could kill an enemy (it was a demo, i know) 1.whip them towards you and then 2. shoot them in SLOW MOTION or 3. kick them (Which feels good, ill admit). after that you get some pun riddled message and X amount of points. Then you get to a special area where you literally press a button and some event happens much like a cutscene. Am i wrong?
The video would have been funny if not for the Bulletstorm demo being really disappointing and less fun than made out to be by the hype.
Basically, yes. There are way, WAY, more than 3 ways to kill enemies. If you're mowing through the demo leashing/kicking/shooting every enemy, you're not really playing Bulletstorm.
Snefer: You guys build this all last week more or less? I was looking through the files and they are all coming after the 26th of january (so basically after the goldmaster was aproved?).
I loved working on Bulletstorm because the humor and the setting really puts it apart from all the Modern Warfare Games. Also enemies feel much more integrated then the cannonfodder you get in other games (as you start caring how to kill them if you play for points).
You can argue about design of FPS-games today but heck we all know that it took frickin forever too finish Doom 1-2 mainly because you got lost every 2 seconds and who has all that time to spend these days?
The video was hilarious though! Loved the briefing.
Nope. Cant remember that. Speak for yourself oh man with short term memory and a bad case of ADHD.
(Like the play though video of Duty Calls as well mentioning that EA's lack of a PC demo is just going to make people pirate it)
As if EA or Epic need to be talking like they're the pros at shooter games. GoW's lack of a solid story? UT3's mindless shooting? Maybe the Battlefield/MoH games from EA? Nobody thought of those nice little cupcakes eh? It's just the pot calling the kettle black. They have no room to talk.
I kind of wish it was longer hahaha
1.It´s the more complete video
2.That´s the whole game, but superfunny nonetheless
Filesize bloat is another thing it's going for in this parody. It's more than 4x bigger than the entire game of Half-Life
I wish i would get that Rank as Usertitle: Sergeant of the Master Sergeants Most Important Person of Extreme Sergeants to the Max.
Can´t stop laughting
Name the game...
Man I can't be the only who feels that people like this can fuck off all the way into a cannon and then into the sun.
I think everyone here feels the same thing, but they are usually the ones who constitute the majority of sales.
Just downloaded this game, took me 4 hours. Now it's fucking time, BOYS!
Edit: There are two jump buttons :P and this is probably the best marketing tool ever!
The video was hilarious though!
The video would have been funny if not for the Bulletstorm demo being really disappointing and less fun than made out to be by the hype.
Uhm :P
Snefer, you need to talk someone into licensing that music to put into the game. Fits perfectly.
Also, that video's opened my eyes. That player was playing it nothing like I was. Looks like I should boot the PS3 up again.
Killzone 2 / MoH / CoD
Took 2 seconds...
Nice try though. ;D
On topic! I thought it was hilarious. I can't wait for bulletstorm, I loved the demo.
I loved working on Bulletstorm because the humor and the setting really puts it apart from all the Modern Warfare Games. Also enemies feel much more integrated then the cannonfodder you get in other games (as you start caring how to kill them if you play for points).
Nope. Cant remember that. Speak for yourself oh man with short term memory and a bad case of ADHD.
(Like the play though video of Duty Calls as well mentioning that EA's lack of a PC demo is just going to make people pirate it)