Hey all, I just upgraded my UDK from 2010-09 to 2011-01. Since the upgrade, I've been unable to plug in a foliage mesh (some grass) to my terrain material, as when I double click on the material in the terrain editor I only have the menus (Displacement and Material) shown in the image below, whereas in my older UDK version, I had Displacement Material and Foliage.
Can anybody please tell me how I can do it in the newer UDK?
shit sux
Looks like I need to reimport/rebuild..... sigh.
1. Open your level in the newer version.
2. Edit -> Select All -> Edit -> Copy
3. Switch focus to the older UDK.
4. File -> New... -> Edit -> Paste
That might or might not work. It's also possible that the Windows clipboard will store all the data between copy/paste so that you don't need both UDKs open at the same time.
I'm thinking of just using DecoLayers for my grass, but it slows down my system big time instead of Foliage, any tips on how I could make this work?
You could probably just re-import all your assets into a new package using the same name as the old one. Depending on how complex your materials are, it might not be too bad.
Once the new package is set up doing the copy paste thing for the level objects might work. I wonder if material node networks could be copy/pasted between UDKs, it might make it even easier.
Of course I've never done any of this, so it might be a huge waste of time...
As for other possible foliage solutions, perhaps a particle system or custom speed tree setup would do the trick.
seconded, I'm looking to do a foliage heavy project and i need these features.
Random foliage question however. I read that meshes used with the foliage tools aren't lit as well. Is there a significant loss of lighting quality when you use foliage, as opposed to hand-placing everything?
typically developers don't update to the latest engine release - it's just us home users who get all excited and always want the latest build.
It looks like the October release was when they removed it, I'm downloading the September 2011 build right now.
update: messing with it now, their old foliage method is pretty ghetto, I'm glad they put it out of it's misery.
But you did say *heavy* foliage, whereas I only used it for a light smattering of grass around the player...