Just curious anyone here play this game? Ive been playing the last 6 months...for a free to play game it's quite awesome....suckered me into buying a few items time and again for the legendary skins....
Anyone else here play?

*Rocket punch !*
to those who have never played or heard before go check it out here! Fun based co-op game! with a crazy amount of replay value!
seforin- 28
Skallywag -30
Shawner - 30
destroyer king - 30
funkt -30
Kabby- 30
Vice89 -22
ABalls -22
NaiteW -
Japhir -
Add me if you want to play, I frequently play Lux/Panth/Kat. My username is "Kabby"
If anyone ever wants to team up my user name is "cdbXart" , I usually play a few games a week
user name = seforin
20 bucks at best buy unlocks like 1/2 the champions
But i'm addicted as hell and was just patching up to play when i saw this thread.
Name's crazyfingers of course
Depending on the hero i'm playing and how many beers i've had, i range from pretty damned decent to being accused of smurfing, letting my 5 year old sister play.
O....My...God only 6 months? o.o
I've been playing it for about a right after when it started in their closed beta state when there was no lore to explain the heros back ground.
you can add me up if you want. NaiteW level 25
level 30 euro; funkt
just started venturing into ranked games and i could rant for ages about how they should really implement some of the features the community have been asking for for so long. Oh well.
Ya well, playing video game / sticking to one video game is not the only thing I do around my world
Regardless of the awesomeness of the game there is one problem and only one that ticks me off the most and this problem wont be fixed forever probably. Its people leaving the game doesnt matter if its ranked or unranked.
I kinda stopped playing it after first six months because the dev team couldnt fix the collision of the nexus back then. Which gave ppl the advantage to stand in front of the nexus blocking all the mob summoning points and leaving their base with a huge mob after 5 mins. Later on when that was fixed, there were occasional bots found that were used to farm IP.
Now everything is fixed and I do love playing LOL but this one problem still pisses me off!! >.<
my sketchbook has lulzy custom skins in it, really the only personal art i've time to do anymore
If you can spring for the $30 and deal with flaming, you should check out HoN .
I appreciate that its supposed to be more casual, and that it isn't supposed to be an updated DotA but .... Guinsoo and Pendragon dropped the ball. Big time.
Way I see it is that what small differences that there are only really effect those that invest a lot of time or want to play it to a higher level, but for those that play it whimsically its not of great concern, and when it means parting with cash... no thanks haha.
Hell, doesn't LoL have a growing esport scene too? Hopefully they will start taking onboard some of the better aspects of other dota games and rts games in general (replays, shift pathing) to make it get even better.
Oh and nitewalkr, dont say that in your defence with that kind of postcount :P
Brandoom is my user name, feel free to add me. I usually play a couple games a night with a couple local friends.
A good chunk of my office mates play this game every night...I havent played the last few days..newest update on my home pc dosent want to update.
My login is vcortis. Feel free to add me, I usually play a game or two a night after work... like I said addicted.
For a free game it's awesome, and I actually like it better than DoTA because of the customization options, it opens up a lot more strategies and ways to play specific heroes.
My name on that game is CowMuffins, by the way.
No, you pay for something which is at best ... AWESOME.
But you'll have to play with flaming russian kids and asshole noobs. Admittedly some people can't get over this type of caustic community (because they're dainty little girls).
For a free game LoL is very very good, but coming from Dota it seemed far too casually oriented for me, which flies in the face of the whole genre. To play a game like LoL/dota/hon/etc anywhere near decently you need to memorize all items, their effects, all heroes and their powers, the map and all of it's aspects, and develop a pretty exact sense of timing. This isn't casual at all, and so you might as well go the HoN route over the LoL route.
Liquid Vs 38 studios
Trust me, the douchiness in HoN is off the charts compared to your run of the mill shooters and rpgs. Combine it with the sometimes unforgiving difficulty and it's a recipe for extreme rage.
I notice that the HoN developer is in the next town over from me. I may have to shoot them an email; it would appear they're hiring. Hmmmmmmmm.
It is currently in Beta.
But we've already had some great matches against other studios. 38, Zenimax, Seven45. me@dentme.com to SIGN YO STUDIO UP
Not that i care enough about either game at the end of the day, i dont really like any game like dota/lol/wow at highlevel (although i only played wow to battlegroup top10, dota stuff seems interesting from a team aspect).
Just outta curiosity, when'd you last play LoL? Have you tried it since they started season 1
I've intentionally skipped guides and strategies so i can BETTER enjoy the game. I find an RPG more enjoyable when i don't know the min/max strategy of every character. I am most definitely a min/ maxxer, but for me the joy comes from figuring this stuff out myself and catering it to my (most likely unoptimized) play-style.
It's often overlooked, but you're matched with players of your own skill level, so playing well doesn't really have any bearing on your win/loss ratio.
I'm pretty happy with the matches i get set into. Sometimes i'm playing with a more hardcore crowd, sometimes more casual, i'm right in an area where i can learn more advanced tactics if i choose, or just goof off and pwn nubs.
Purplepaint = ID add me up and shoot me a message when im on
I usually play as Kayle or Warwick, but i have a grasp for pretty much any of the characters :P
truth be told ive learned a lot about the game just by listening to these people, but i havent gotten into it just because of my fear of losing my life to a game just like the rest of those folks have (though there wasnt much of a difference before that im sure).
who know's maybe one day....after i finished my production game....after i finish my demo reel...after i get a "steady" job.......then ill try it.
I've added everyone who posted. My name is Leater.
Been playing ever since posting in this thread a long time ago :P. It's fun, but I still suck :P.
EDIT: oh wait, this is actually a new LoL thread. I played since posting in the other one.
right here
the games fun but only cause it's extra awesome to win but extra crappy to lose. but sometimes the mechanics just all fall into a perfect line and it's just sublime.
I'm on currently if u wanna get a round in before i bake some textures
Edit: im going through your LoL post right now, you should do a nice unmasked kayle fanart jouste
Hehe I was thinking the same thing. Jouste concepts are awesome, and a current gen rendition based off of Jouste's Rammus concept would be great. Then I remembered I already working on a one of Jouste's concepts.. and I'm slacking off...
Other than that me and Purplepaint just kicked some butt! Kayle for the win!
I started off pretty rocky :P then i got some good healing off in the end, good job all around by the team
Oh man. Maybe now I can get free RP points!
YO....uh hook me up here...I wanted to get some new legendary skins!
My nick is AcrobaticRobot
Well i know a few of us are (the ones i've played with) i cant speak for all thou.
Also again if u feel like playing and im online throw me a invite
again my username is: Purplepaint
NA server...I think
Add me up if you want.
Play ranked 5v5 3v3 with me upon your own risk. I attempt to gank at level 1(in other words, feed alot) and love tower diving.
usually play lux, amumu, or ez* (*learning how to play a carry, pretty bad still)
my user name is ABalls level 22.
good idea