Home 3D Art Showcase & Critiques

Airship & Robots

polycounter lvl 14
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Belias polycounter lvl 14


  • Mark Dygert
    This wouldn't be a piece by one of your students would it and your looking for a through critique to pass on? Or is this actually your blog?


    EDIT: Yep looks like your blog, at least the avatars match...
  • Belias
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    Belias polycounter lvl 14
    I will be glad if you give me a good critique of this piece.
  • nullfed
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    nullfed polycounter lvl 9
    I recognise that robot from somewhere
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    kinda cool, is the steering going to be attached? what is the orange thing? a balloon maybe.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    physically I don't think it'd work, if the orange thing is a balloon, the ship would rotate until the center of mass was right under the balloon, unless there was a counter weight, or second balloon, or something.
  • bbob
    This is actually looking quite nice so far. Do keep it up..
  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
    The problem is, and a big horrible mistake you keep doing:

    You bring up these age old projects that you started a long time ago, you never finish anything, you keep jumping between things and putting random models everywhere.

    Which makes you develop your skills at a 1/10th speed compared to the optimal learning-speed that you could achieve.

    You should scrap this, and start new things, model simple things, every day.
  • Belias
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    Belias polycounter lvl 14
    The problem is, and a big horrible mistake you keep doing:

    You bring up these age old projects that you started a long time ago, you never finish anything, you keep jumping between things and putting random models everywhere.

    Which makes you develop your skills at a 1/10th speed compared to the optimal learning-speed that you could achieve.

    You should scrap this, and start new things, model simple things, every day.
    I recognise that robot from somewhere
    I already posted a thread about it, and mentioned it is inspired by another two robots.
  • Disco Stu
    lol reverse searching the images because it looks to good?

    Looking good belias, makes no sense at all but it looks nice.
  • crazyfingers
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    crazyfingers polycounter lvl 10
    Belias you must be pretty confused, torn between the (possibly) unjustified praise you receive and the harsh criticism from everyone else trying to balance it all out.

    It's certainly not bad, it's a cooky fun piece, but as game art a lot of the design decisions aren't very good. This is part of the reason it looks so unique, you're using lots of rope, and lots of curvy shapes that would normally not be used in game art. To top it all off there's a language barrier here.

    Not really sure what to say, you're obviously very passionate about this stuff, and i'm sure you're giving an education to people they normally couldn't get where you're at, but the main issue with your art is that it has no ultimate goal, as i think others have statetd. It's hard to critique art or even appreciate it at a certain level when it has no utility, at least on this forum. As "modern art" goes you are far and away the best on this forum, but you do this on a forum where that kind of randomness is sorta frowned upon.

    Always interesting for a read and look though.
  • Belias
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    Belias polycounter lvl 14
  • monster
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    monster polycounter
    The ship looks cool and has a good design, but the balloon is way too small. Hot air balloons are about 20 times larger than the tiny basket they carry.

    The render isn't big enough, and everything is white, it's hard to see the details. I didn't realize the robot was in the first image, until I looked at the second image. Then a little later I realized he was sitting down. Then I realized the post in front of him wasn't his leg. Then, later, I noticed he had a steering wheel. All of this should have been communicated immediately.

    I think the art is solid, but you just need a better presentation.
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