Hi there, I just wanted to post some stuff I've been working on. I'm trying to learn how to use UDK and a while ago I made a sci-fi
scene (it didn't come out all that great, IMO). I got burned out after spending too much time on it, so I started something new. The feedback I got on this site was excellent. The thing is, the way I went about modeling and texturing some stuff made it really difficult to go back and fix it. So I left it and moved on. The point is to learn and be better, right?
Anyway, here are some screenshots of what I've been working on for the last few weeks, it's an outdoor environment (an abandoned island):

Anyway, I did this mostly because I'm trying to learn UDK and build a portfolio at the same time.
I appreciate any thoughts on how I can improve it / optimize / or just plain make it better
Thanks in advance!
What exactly is the grey stuff at the bottom. Are they shadows or plants? Looks weird to me. Probably because most the scene uses vibrant colours and the desaturated colour of the plants just doesn't seem to fit in.
I assume there is only one grass bundle because they all look the same. I'd suggest making a couple more or different variations. It looks like they are in some weird crop field in the 2nd picture. Very unnatural. Also the shadows around those plants are way too opaque.
With some more work this could turn out to be a cool scene! Good luck!
@hollywood-north: I took the palm tree leaf texture and sorta desaturated it so I can spread it around at the base of the palm trees. I guess I was going for a bit of realism, since who would clean up the fallen leaves? If it's not obvious then perhaps I should remove it?
About the grass: I was testing out how it would look, so I do plan on making more.
How would you go about making their shadows less opaque? I'm relatively new to UDK.
@Shad0wForce: It's the reflection of the sun on the water shader (I followed a tutorial on outdoor water shaders from hourences.com). Any ideas on how to make it look better?
Thanks guys for the input, it's greatly appreciated.
I haven't played around with UDK lately so I can't give any specific tips, sorry.
Anyway the theme concerns me. If it's abandoned then what's with all the props like boats and barrels?
I'd research and gather lots of beach pictures if you haven't already and get some ideas as to what you can create to fill the scene up. It's too empty on the mainland and needs shrubs and bushes. Hell I always expect mountains when it comes to islands.
Overall it's going in the right direction. I just wish you'd share more of your thoughts on your scene. For example a story, what you plan to do next , maybe a simple sketch? What about a focus for the scene like a crashed ship out at sea. Keep going.
The main idea is to build a small fishing village in the bay part of the island. I have some rough sketches but I never scanned them (I'll post them when I get access to a scanner
It's a small island that is home to a small fishing community. The only real way to get to the mainland is by seaplane, but there are a couple of similar islands nearby with whom they trade with. The town consists of a small dock, a small market and a couple of rustic-looking houses.
This is my first attempt at an outdoor environment using UDK so I wanted to focus on that first. Then slowly insert the village elements. My inspiration for the boats came from a fishing town on the central coast of Peru called Pucusana. The town itself is way more sophisticated, but the people there still use these boats to fish and sell it on the market/port.
I'll post more stuff as I go, since I keep fiddling with the settings to try and figure out what they do.
Thanks again for the input, I'll definitely take it to heart
Also is there any normals on the palm trees yet because they are looking kind of like mechanical smooth cylinders up close. Also on the top of the trees model those husky ball things palm trees have where all the leaves come out of.
I've been having some issues with the shadows on the palm trees... I'm pretty sure it's due to lightmass settings because when I move some sliders around the shadows look way more defined, but as soon as I build the lighting, they turn into greyish blobs. Any ideas on how to fix this?
Before building lights:
I added some different grass:
I would've uploaded these sooner, but AT&T decided to mess up the internet connection, so we switched to a different service.
Anyway, I would really appreciate the input,
And for the fallen palm leaves they shouldn't be all brown, they usually have center green with brown tips, it will help it blend a lot better with the beach instead of looking so set on top.
Keep it up!
Anyway, here's an update of what I've been doing.
I discovered that UDK comes with speedtree in it. Which was an awesome revelation. My only issue is, the default settings for when the speedtrees become billboards were giving me an error, so I followed a tutorial. In any case, does anyone know what distance would be appropriate so that they dont end up looking like the trees in the background? The come out all stretched out.
Again, thanks everyone for the input. I definitely learned a lot by "doing". It's still my 2nd UDK environment ever, so I'm not too concerned that it didn't come out 100% like I wanted.
I kind of want to move on to a new environment and use what I learned from my 1st environment and with this one and make something a lot nicer. Making a huge environment was pretty daunting, so from now on: smaller, more detailed and more stylized environments are going to be what I shoot for.