I have worked as a games artist for ten years, mostly doing environment, and vehicle art. I have just joined polycount, and thought i'd start off with some shameless self promotion.
All the renders use the in game res maps, not the larger maps from the psd.
Suggestions are welcome...
Love your texture work on Darksiders, great style!
Welcome to Polycount, too - a great portfolio is always a good way to introduce yourself
that oily-smeary stuff u put in the rust texs is really cool
only suggestion i can possibly think of is trying to push some oranges into the dark areas, altho that could just be a style thing
Are the textures hand painted?
Amazing work, love both ps2-gen and current gen examples,
incredible texturing!
Looking through my bookmarks, there are plenty of sites i've saved that are set up in this way and not once have I thought 'hey the work is great but I wish Mr. slacker would buy a domain - how cheap!'
My standards - she is low!
Your texture work on those vehicles didn't really impress me, I could barely tell they were damaged, let alone had gone through an apocalypse, they look almost brand new. Your sub-par texturing abilities will not stay engraved forever in my memory, and as such, as one could infer from the parameters of the situation, I am not putting your website in my Google Chrome favorites folder named "Great 3D Artists" for future reference.
Good day.
I think the blogspot site is nice. I think Andy up'd the standards quit abit with a clean presentation. (I'm definitely redoing mine )
In my experience, no one really cares about .com or Hidgy_widgy_art.com type names. What they do care about is association with artists Name and quality. If i can remember his name in conjunction with awesome art on any site, I can probably google him to find his name or find him on Linkedin relatively fast. I think the "importance" of domain uniqueness was more impactful in 2001 than it is now. ALthough in contrast it is nice to have once "name" as a domain. But that's actually kinda hard sometimes.
Hey Andy, could you explain your texture process? I"ve asked you before and was blown away so I know these guys would love hearing about it. I'm particularly interested in your normal mapping technique with the tilting red brick pattern. Seeing as you don't use Zbrush, I'm interested in how you achieved the offset depth.
Disagree. The fact that Andy's site is easy to navigate, simple and efficiently laid out with his contact info immediately in your face communicates his work just fine. Some folks don't know HTML/Flash etc and may update their site quite often, blogpspot is great for that and really isn't unprofessional.
But, how comes you don't have mipmap bleeding issues with uv shells that close ? This always driving me nuts when i'm texturing.
A few bucks a month for security and even the smallest bit of added "wow" and professionalism is a no brainer.
SquareSpace might be a good option.
keep up the good work
I'm almost positive the games industry isn't based on strict professionalism but rather the quality of your work and your personality. I've even heard some recruiters and portfolio reviewers that prefer a blog type layout. Not everybody needs a super minimalistic website to show their work off, if their work is good, then it's good.