Yo! Here's my bird I made in school as a personal project. It's suppose to be some kind of critter in a fantasy setting. Small and cautious, it's mostly harmless on it's own, but in larger groups it's a different matter...
Crits and comments more than welcome since i plan to use it in my future protfolio.
Peace y'all
The body looks really good though.
i have just learnt this way of making realistic eyes by actually building the lens and by use of some cool shader stuff achiving a pretty good results. what i have a hard time about is if i should have a pupil in the eye. i think it's far more fersome with just a blank iris but it's take's some of the realism away, making it looking weird.
about the fat neck and such i have far to little time to actually change antything in the mesh, but i think i can get better results by changing the lingthning so the cavaty beetwen the neck and the head isn't that apparent.
Neck looks better with this lighting imo. He's kind of lit a fair amount from all over now. I'd play around with some more dramatic lighting, could work well with a creepy subject like this. Have him crouched as if he was eating a cadaver and just noticed you, turns his head back over his should with a shivering stare right into the viewers eyes
You know how when the scary monster in movies which has it's back turned against you just notices you and turns around. Get that feeling.
Keep going.