Hi everyone,
I am going to complete my studies in a few months and I was deciding to collect informations about the various Artists positions in the Industry.
I am basically into modelling and texturing, and I like to model (in order of preference)
1. props
2. Characters
4. Vehicles
3. Environment
Eventually my goal is to be a good character Artist.
The main concern is that when I will be looking for a job, its not necessary that I would be able to get the exact job that I am looking for. So I need my portfolio to support me in getting an initial job.
-I would like to know which area is most in demand in the industry. As far as I have been going through company job lists, it varies from company to company and the most requirements are of the Environment artist.
-I would like to know the industrial requirements for each of these fields.
example the maximum tri-count that I can show in each model, maximum texture size I can use.
Any kinda information would be helpful
I have done three new work as of now.... will be doing more....

Texture budget, tri-count will always be different, always. Depending on what engine you're using, certain circumstances. The key is to be able to produce efficient assets, optimized and making good use of the texture memory you have.
Show that you're skilled with texturing but also the actual UV-layouts of models/textures. It's key for good 3d game artists, characters and environments alike.
Your work is really good though man, keep pumping out good quality work, weather it be character, prop or environment. I think you'll do fine
The first three links here might also be helpful.
And this info about poly limits