In the name of the recent "conspiracy" vids being posted, here is a pretty damn interesting one about ancient artefacts on earth from the pyramids to the mayan stuff, and a look at how they wer made possible, with some far out theories.
check it out when you have an hour free.
(first 10 seconds are random pics, skip that)
Reminds me of that crappy Indiana Jones movie.
Some of those guys have an amazing imagination.
But then again if they have the technology to travel across the universe I think they can overcome that problem easily.
i love how little credit they give to ancient people. they lived years ago, doesnt mean they were stupid cave people. why cant people believe that some humans back then were smart enough to come up with these ideas and build them.
i especially hate the bit about the "razor sharp stones" and how perfectly they fit together.
What if they just got bored and made it up? I mean really, they had fuck all to do back then, at least in their free time. Who says a few bored people couldn't get together and write some bullshit story for fun?
and the constant underestimation of the human mind is disturbing
i just think that the scenario of idiocracy already happend a few times on earth
Word. Humans are no different now than we were 3,000 years ago. The major difference now is the accumulation of information and subsequent advances in all technology fields. If we can fly to the moon with advanced technology, we can certainly build a damn stone pyramid without it.
I once moved a massive doghouse that was literally a little house for a dog. Wood walls covered in siding, sheathing and shingle roof, etc. I moved that massive bastard all by my self with a 6' long heavy ass pipe and a 8"x6" railroad tie, using the two as a fulcrum. That doghouse weighed hundreds of pounds, and if no one knew about the fulcrum, they would have never believed a human could move it by themselves without the use of a truck or something.
Amazing engineering preciseness
Earth is pretty old, who knows what stuff went down a few million, or even thousand years ago.
Denniken has a really cool accent in that movie lol
It just looks at something that eludes us and throws in a different way to of looking at it.
Have you guys heard about the Sumerians? They were an amazing society!
This is a good website for all that weird ancient stuff:
To be fair, he didn't question the ability for them to build the pyramids, he questioned doing it in the amount of time it took, but still, if they got alien help, they could've done it in far less time than what historians say it took.
I'm into the theory: a shitton of slaves.
If a pharao wanted a pyramid built in 20 years, and it took 40, and everyone was laughing at him for it, he'd probably have the historians write that it took 20 years :P
I did enjoy this series though, Puma Punchu was easily the most interesting thing in it, that and the Nazca Lines.
I am also all for living in a Mass Effect universe :P
There is one in Germany.
EDIT: On the serious note: According to the studies of Science and Technology Houmids or Primus came about 1 billion years ago and there were science studies we find today that proves that we are all from that race through the generation and time as human form finally took shape about 5-10 thousands of years ago. Which also contradicts on religious beliefs that God made Adam and Eve as the first one of a kind specie called human, and from that the human race started populating through out the earth.
Though it does not explain how the major land marks around the world were formed and believed upon.
In the case of Ancient Aliens the movie posted here shows the very same thing. In old times Egyptians and few of the southern tribes would make a horrified face (make that superior ones such as priests would make a creepy face looking shape)and ask people to fear it. Back then there were no politics to control human kind so they believed it regardless of its explanation and that gave priests the advantage to keep their side of people in line among other tribes.
Later on, creepy looking faces were changed to people's faces who were chosen to lead their tribes so people started believing them as Gods. There were other marks such as Dog or Cat or Scorpios they used as their tribes' markings.
There is an entire history of human race that was found vaguely and described based on anthropologists findings and their vague conclusions but it is described enough for us to believe that was the case and humans were evolved from form to form through out the generations.
Bottom line, there are no Aliens. all they found were landmarks of the tribes that could be viewed from the peak of the mountain(s) So the other tribes wont dare enter it, look at the mark from far away and pass it. That is not a good enough reason for anyone to believe that there are UFOs. But it did give them a good fantasy to believe it and release Epic movies.
Has anyone explained what were they doing before they actually saw those crafts?
Alcohol and weed can do soo much worse to a person. I remember hearing one stoned being that he watched something walk in the cemetery when passed it. =\
and it is pretty common in the army. I guess people would believe it because there are people in the suit without a prof..Soo lame it makes me laugh sometimes. lol