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Dead Space 2: Anyone playing it?



  • gavku
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    gavku polycounter lvl 18
    Im playing it on pc, and there's a bug where if you alt tab out of game, when you go back in, the save spots don't work and esc key doesn't work. yay.
  • PogoP
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    PogoP polycounter lvl 10
    gavku wrote: »
    Im playing it on pc, and there's a bug where if you alt tab out of game, when you go back in, the save spots don't work and esc key doesn't work. yay.

    I'm not getting that issue.

    Just started playing and I'm on chapter 3. Impressed so far, seems a lot more streamlined than the first, and the environments are a little more interesting.
  • Rai
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    Rai polycounter lvl 15
    Habboi wrote: »
    Sorry I wasn't clear, I meant for some reason I just didn't expect them to make DLC for the game at all. Did Dead Space 1 even have DLC besides costumes?

    I got that the first time I booted the game up, completely closed it out and re-opened, haven't had it since.. Actually just finished the campaign. =]
  • KidneyThief
    Ark wrote: »
    Beat it 3 times since i got it, last time on Zealot. Can't imagine doing it on Hardcore!

    Hardcore just seems too daunting as far as play time. The game is about 6 to 8 hours depending on fast you play through. Given only 3 opportunities to save I don't think I'm ready to sit down and lock myself in for a fourth play through. This game was worth every penny though. Visceral really nailed that freaky space ambiance. I love the new suits too.
  • Quokimbo
    Habboi wrote: »
    Did Dead Space 1 even have DLC besides costumes?

    Not sure, I borrowed number 1 from a buddy.

    I imagine the DLC is not coming to PC, because they did not release Extraction for the PC? You would kind of be out of the loop on the story right?
  • glottis8
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    glottis8 polycounter lvl 9

    I agree a lot with this. I think games should be more immersive. Resident Evil 4 did the perfect balance between horror and action and a great story. DS2 is a beautiful game visually, and they really did a good job with the loading, it's like one continuous adventure, but i feel like the story falls short, and the dementia Isaac is supposed to have is of no repercussion or impact in the game. Wish they would do more creepy things with that, more psychological . What do you guys think?
  • Richard Kain
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    Richard Kain polycounter lvl 18
    Well, I'm only up to the beginning of Chapter 6. The plot certainly isn't knocking my socks off. And I'm getting a little bit of the repetitive monster-closet vibe. But on the other hand, the parts of the game where they mix things up have been spectacular. And although some of the freak-outs haven't made any change to the game itself, they have been quite impressively freaky.

    It would be fair to say that the game is not very ambitious. It changes very little, and doesn't really introduce anything that hasn't been done already in other titles. However, the overall experience is very tightly polished, and is quite enjoyable. They do a fantastic job of building tension through the effective manipulation of the visuals and audio. (especially the audio) It would be nice if they exploited that tension a little more creatively, but at least they're trying. It is a very linear game, but one that I could recommend. It's not perfect, and it's certainly not for everybody... but it is definitely for me.
  • Entity
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    Entity polycounter lvl 18
    glottis8 & Richard: Definitely agree, one word that best describes DS2 is..safe. While highly enjoyable, the story felt lacking in many ways. You don't learn much about the necromorphs, the markers or even the motivation behind the various antagonists in the game. It felt as though they were holding back on a lot of the plot (if they're saving them for dlc, well meh) and this feels a lot more like Dead Space 1.5..
  • Rai
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    Rai polycounter lvl 15
    Entity wrote: »
    glottis8 & Richard: Definitely agree, one word that best describes DS2 is..safe. While highly enjoyable, the story felt lacking in many ways. You don't learn much about the necromorphs, the markers or even the motivation behind the various antagonists in the game. It felt as though they were holding back on a lot of the plot (if they're saving them for dlc, well meh) and this feels a lot more like Dead Space 1.5..

    If you want more on the story, go nuts..

    ~In order~ (Taken from the Steam forums)
    Dead Space: Martyr (novel)
    Dead Space (comic)
    Dead Space: Downfall (movie)
    Dead Space: Extraction (game)
    Dead Space: Extraction (comic)
    Dead Space 1 (game)
    Dead Space: Salvage (novel)
    Dead Space: Aftermath (movie)
    Dead Space (iOS game)
    Dead Space: Ignition (PSN, Xbox live game)
    Dead Space 2 (game)

    Dead Space 2 really just puts you in perspective of Isaac Clarke, if you want more information based on the story, I'd suggest looking into these previous games and novels.

    The story is really truly amazing.
  • Entity
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    Entity polycounter lvl 18
    I have, which is why I felt Dead Space 2 was such a disappointment story wise compared to everything else that's come before it.
  • Bal
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    Bal polycounter lvl 17
    I'm having a blast with this game, it's not reinventing much compared to it's predecessor, but I still think it's improved in quite a few small ways.
    Some of the levels look really awesome, I'm at what I suppose is the final area (all white and black clean designs), and I really love the visual style, saved lots of screenshots to the inspiration folder!
    Like in Dead Space 1, I still feel the monsters feel very noisy, there's a good effort to make them easily discernable though, to know what you're up against.
  • glottis8
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    glottis8 polycounter lvl 9
    I have read the comics and read a lot of the world of Dead Space. My complaint is that DS2 is not telling a story. Is more like a segment of action that just happened. There is no drive, and Isaac is more of a wiseass instead of a mentally disturbed survivor. Seriously... they could've exploited more the fact that he is in trauma and had a lot more going on. I would've loved to see more psychological elements in the game, kinda like Arkham Asylum did whenever batman was exposed to the gas.

    Characters really don't have any impact. Isaac looks pretty bad ass, but that's about it. The game itself is beautiful tho. I love the new ambience they did with warm colors and their flickering of monitors and lights. The levels are super polished and it's a very pretty game visually. The controls are improved and it responds more natural. But at the end of the day, the experience doesn't really make you feel satisfied... It tries to tell a story, that in my opinion falls apart because they don't k now how to tell the story and the story is not that great either. I mean, how many of you guys actually knew what the next objective was while playing?

    I enjoyed DS and DS2... but i think there is plenty of space to improve.
  • Richard Kain
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    Richard Kain polycounter lvl 18
    I beat the game last night. I actually found the ending to be fairly appealing. It wasn't quite as spectacular as the final boss from the first game, but it was more fitting given the story up to that point.

    The overall difficulty of the game was a bit odd. I was playing on Casual mode. (aka, ultimate pussy mode) And yet there were several instances during the game where I died. I usually never had to try those sections more than twice, but I still felt that the difficulty wavered up and down regularly. I was able to acquire enough power nodes on my first playthrough to max out my rig, stasis module, and my favorite weapon combination, the Plasma cutter and Ripper.

    I'll probably give it a rest for a few days before trying a Game+ playthrough.
  • rv_el
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    rv_el polycounter lvl 20
    The game is great.

    The last 20 minutes or so can go fuck itself. I wish I had quit at an earlier save and made up my own ending. Use my imagination. I choose to believe I stayed with the crazy chick in my head and rolled around on the space station like a madman. Anything but that wacky BS the designer threw at you at the end.
  • Rwolf
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    Rwolf polycounter lvl 18
    Almost done Hard Core definitely not the feint of heart. Lot of head banging against the desk, and swearing out of my mouth.
  • Quokimbo
    glottis8 wrote: »
    I mean, how many of you guys actually knew what the next objective was while playing?

    That is what clicking the left thumb stick is for, or the up on the d-pad? I do not remember...
  • glottis8
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    glottis8 polycounter lvl 9
    Quokimbo wrote: »
    That is what clicking the left thumb stick is for, or the up on the d-pad? I do not remember...

    thats my whole point right there. You do not know really whats going on, your next objective is pressing on the self guided arrow so that you always know where to go. But you don't actually know that you have to go fix the second generator because that is going to attract some massive spaceship with a taco beam... do you? all i am saying is that good storytelling will naturally have you updated on what is going on, and where you are going in your mission. something dead space 2 or the 1st one did not do.
  • Quokimbo
    I was being facetious... :)
  • HitmonInfinity
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    HitmonInfinity polycounter lvl 11

    Just beat it a few days ago. I'm pretty disappointed with it. I adored the first Dead Space. It remains my favorite current-gen game. However, DS2 was less than rememberable in my opinion.

    I hated the story. Visceral kept saying this game is bigger, more action packed. I thought it was more confined. The psycho brain girlfriend was a terrible mistake. After the initial scare of her showing up, she was a huge yawn every time after that. She was just in the way. And what about the British chick and the crazy guy?! She was fighting to keep him alive the whole time just so Issac could kill him off. Nothing happened in this game. Issac wakes up (Aliens rip-off) and everything is falling apart. And at the end of the game, everything still is in pieces. It didn't advance the universe at all for me.

    And don't even get me started about that ending.

    Ok, I'm done ranting.
  • scrawld
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    scrawld polycounter lvl 12
    The psycho brain girlfriend was a terrible mistake.

    Not to mention the fact it was impossible to make out what she was saying.

    Maybe it was just me, but half the time I couldn't understand a word of it. The same goes for stross towards the end. I must have missed a lot of what was going on because of it. Although from what I could understand it did seem pretty trivial.

    Can't help but feel that they've held back on important chunks of story for the sake of creating novels or (god awful) animated movies. It's hard to tell whether they figured people who play the video games wouldn't care about the storyline or just because they wanted to sell more merch :/.
  • Rwolf
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    Rwolf polycounter lvl 18
    scrawld wrote: »
    Not to mention the fact it was impossible to make out what she was saying.

    your not missing much, all she's saying is "make us whole" the entire time.
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