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Hey All!

I started a new character piece, a revamp of the Mancubus from the original Doom game. I plan on sculpting the character to a finish, then make a lowpoly cage for it and bake the normal map etc.and make it a realtime asset. I'm currently finishing up the sculpting on the fleshy bits, and kinda doodling with the mech bits (i really need some practice on those) and would really appreciate c&c.




  • DigitalDilettante
    Awesome stuff, I think he needs more pipeage!
  • artstream
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    artstream polycounter lvl 11
    Nice idea to revamp: are you going for more of a humanized version of it? The images I found of it have it much more grotesque, with larger shapes and a more amorphous feel to it overall. The mouth is also very human, not sure where you are on that front.

    Also have to go with more pipeage: it's generally a prominent feature in Dooom & Quake.
  • Inkfish
    DigitalDiletantte: thank you! you're definitely right about the pipeage.

    kaoticvisions: thanks! I tought the other versions were a bit too deformed, I really like this concept by Ariokh(?) but i tought i'd go for a less deforemed approach.

    I'm still debating the head area, i tried adding some tech bits like pipes there, but they seemed a bit out of place, i'll have to mess with it more tomorrow when i have the time. Also thanks for the tip on the pipeage, i'll most def. add more of it as soon as possible! (especially to cover the junk area :))

    some more work on the fleshy bits, still not final, but gettin there slowly. Tomorrow pipeage and more techbits.
  • artstream
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    artstream polycounter lvl 11
    That concept is really nice. I think if you don't want to go for the deformed look, you should definitely take in the wrinkles/fat rolls (you've already started this on the legs). Also, some asymmetry could help this piece (instead of having two full arm cannons, have one that just comes up about 1/4 of the forearm, or maybe different attachments)

    Maybe try pipes coming out from his calf region? I could imagine it dragging along, making a scraping sound, seems like it would be really cool if it was in a game. Also, depending on how you positioned them, it could help make a really cool silhouette.
  • Robbyh
    haha damn ! thats sick !
    i say let him be fat. gluttony version of a homonculi !
  • Rockley Bonner
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    Rockley Bonner polycounter lvl 12
    awsome! I thought that I would see a more succubus man but this is cool too. sculpt a penis on him.
  • sbnewsom
    RJBonner wrote: »
    awsome! I thought that I would see a more succubus man but this is cool too. sculpt a penis on him.

    Succubus deals with seduction, while Mancubus deals with destruction.
  • Dashtoronto
    RJBonner wrote: »
    awsome! I thought that I would see a more succubus man but this is cool too. sculpt a penis on him.

    yeah. make him be able to shoot from his penis too.
  • Jeremy Tabor
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    Jeremy Tabor polycounter lvl 14
    I spy with my little eye, some triple nip. Oh how I love me some triple nip...

    But on a slightly more serious note, I think you could really sell the weight of this guy just by splaying those toes out a bit more.

    If you look at this pic here or better yet here of elephants' foot bones. Those outside toes start to shoot out laterally, which IMO would make him feel more planted, like in the concept.

    But coolio dude. Cyborgy stuff is always fun.
  • Tea Monster
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    Tea Monster polycounter lvl 15
    One thing I would suggest is that the other ones from Doom 1 & 3 all have this epic slabs of flesh effect. Like his head flopped back and waves of flesh rolled out and down his body like sheets of lava. I think he needs more epic fleshrolls.

    Also, the rocket launcher needs a bit of love. It should look like a Jet engine rear-ended a chain gun.

    Apart from those two crits, it's great!
  • Dashtoronto
    he needs more pipes connecting his rocket launchers to his back, to make it look like there's more traffic distribution of ammo feed or whatever going on.

    also, if you really want to make this mancubus scary as hell.

    add shoulder rocket launchers. One for each shoulder.

    that'll really make this guy seem like a heavy destroyer.
  • Inkfish
    Dashtoronto: Hey! thanks for the crit, i plan on adding more tech bits, but thanks for the heads up :) the hand weapons are supposed to be flame throwers. I'll take the shoulder rocket lauchers to consideration.

    Tea Monster: Thanks for the suggestions, i fully agree about the cannon, it really needs some pimpage, I think i'll play around with it some more, hopefully it'll click if not, back to the drawing board i guess :)

    Robat: nice catch on the triple nip man! it's my favourite part to sculpt :P The feet need work for sure, I added an extra toe there, still doesn't feel too stabile and a bit mushy, i'll have to tweak it some more i guess. Good ref too you posted!

    Dashtoronto: that would be so badass. :)

    RJBonner: maybe...

    RobbyH: Thanks!

    kaoticvisions: Thanks for the good suggestions! i'll def add some more details on this.

    Thanks everybody for solid advice, man I love this forum :)Some more work on the tech bits (really need more practice on those, it seems really laborious.) some more sculpting and playing around with the forms a bit.

    I'm debating on adding more details on the dude, on the other hand i wanna go nuts with the techy bits and fatrolls and whatnot, but on the other hand i'm afraid that the model will get too cluttered. Still needs much refinement, still not happy about the face, placement of the dick tubes (yeah...) and the feet are a mess.


  • achillesian
    I think the face, and overall proportions could be a lot more interesting, but your execution and detail work looks pretty dang good so far!
  • Dashtoronto
    honestly, dude.

    you really want to make him scary?

    make him taller. alot taller
  • Inkfish
    Thanks for the crits& comments achillesian and Dashtoronto!

    i noodled with the face some more and it seemed to go south really fast, so i tweaked the manface more and the bakc and the feet, unfortunately the legs don't hold too much polies at the highest sdiv so there's not much to be done with this basemesh, so i decided to start working on the lowpoly cage and sculpt the final detail pass on the uv-d and more evenly spaced mesh. the cage is still in very early stages, but i'd appriciate crits on the edgeflow on that ( i didn't add a loops for the eyes, since the eyes will be obscured with the tech junk.

  • Nizza_waaarg
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    Nizza_waaarg polycounter lvl 15
    hehe, gotta agree with what others have said, he looks like he's about 4ft atm (give or take ^^). Could just be a slight scaling down of the head would help heaps.

    Some nice detailing in places man and the edgeflow's lookin fine from what i can see so far (gonna use it for the low poly bake down too or just a new base for sculpting?).
  • Inkfish
    Hey thanks for the kind words and crits Nizza_waarg, I modified the feet to be longer, i think i'll tweak this more once i get the cage done. I plan on sculpting this guy further once i get more geo on the right places, the toes especially and hopefully by then i'll get a killer idea how to tweak the face too :) a bit offtopic, i checked out your portfolio on your sig, killer work man, i especially like the Hellboy char.

    got the rough cage done for the upper body and did a test bake on the normals right now the fellow is sitting on 2k faces sharp and the textures for the upper part were 1024x1024 with really sloppy uvs some artifacts below the chin and a weird seam issue on the tricep but other than that the bake came out pretty good (?)


  • DrMalfice
    Personally, I think it could use a bit more fat on the stomach, more like the original. That was one of the things that made the Mancubus look awesome originally. Also, the pipe from the mouth in the image below would look awesome. Especially if you used the same style as the piping you already have, and link it to his back.
  • Dashtoronto
    DrMalfice wrote: »
    Personally, I think it could use a bit more fat on the stomach, more like the original. That was one of the things that made the Mancubus look awesome originally. Also, the pipe from the mouth in the image below would look awesome. Especially if you used the same style as the piping you already have, and link it to his back.

    the more fat around his stomach is a good idea. Just take his belly button and use that as a center point and using a compass (or imaginary compass) and draw a circle around his belly button perfectly. There you have it. More emphasis on a more prominent belly.

    the pipe from the mouth looks retarded. I was actually disappointed when they did this. It sincerely makes him look retarded. I think his face is perfect. I did want to suggest making one more roll of fat under his chin, to emphasis on his obesity. So that he has three chins, instead of two.

    lastly, my best idea. Better than the shoulder rocket launchers and increase in height. The mancubus is a spawn of hell, no? Then, my idea would be to create a face and mouth where his belly button is. A demon's face if you will. Don't make his eyes where his nipples are. That would ruin it. Put his eyes underneath his chest, in the stomach region and his mouth in the stomach region too. The mouth would shoot fireballs or something. Also, just to minimize confusion: Yes, this means he would have two faces.

    Something like this for a general idea:


    lastly, his implanted mechanical eyes don't suit him. I would suggest making his eyes just pure black whole pupils to emphasis on his evil nature.

    Lastly, if you do accept the demon's face on his stomach region idea. To take it even further, would be to have a mechanical tongue/apparatus coming out of his mouth with an eye that shoots at the end of it.

    Good luck!
  • Inkfish
    DrMalfice: Thanks for the suggestions! the pipe idea seems interesting, maybe i'll work it in when i get my other mech parts sorted.

    Dashtoronto: you have a beautiful mind :) the bellybuttonface idea seems killer! :D someday man, someday...

    got the cage and unwrap done to the fleshy bits, and started the mech parts it seems like the unwrap is going to be a pain in the ass, since i messed around with it for the whole afternoon and got really fucked up results. Yay.


    I also started doing the lowpoly version of the mech parts etc. with less than stellar results. I made a few test bakes with xnormal, and the results were abysmal as illustrated below. The first row of images illustrates the results with obj cage that was done from the lowpoly cage (scaled up a notch) the layout is really messy still and the unwrapped items were wonky, but there were really anoying artefacts and it seems like some polies were messed up somehow (blue channel went haywire) the cage looked fine when viewed in xnormal, but when the cage was sufficiently scaled up to capture the high rez details all of the tangent map went green. The lowest row shows the result from blender, horrible still, but no artefacts atleast. Does anyone have any idea what's going on i'm going crazy.

    here's some of that sweet sweet normalmap goodnes applied to the cage, next gen baby!!
  • Joopson
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    Joopson quad damage
    The original:

    I think, perhaps, make him shorter and fatter. And more demonic. I do like it so far, though - for sure.
  • Dashtoronto
  • looprix
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    looprix polycounter lvl 8
    ...and i thought i had bad bitch-tits

    The modeling is excellent but personally I like Mancubus shorter with stumpy legs. So then his guns drag on the floor. You could also give his guns more weather and maybe dents.
  • looprix
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    looprix polycounter lvl 8
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    Yup, defo needs to be MUCH fatter.
  • Zwebbie
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    Zwebbie polycounter lvl 18
    Inkfish wrote: »
    Does anyone have any idea what's going on i'm going crazy.
    A black spot in the blue channel (and an ugly green in the normal map) is usually the result of flipped normals... If that were the case here, though, you'd get objects with entirely inverted blue channels, and not the blotches you have. Still, you can try to tick on Discard back-faces hits in xNormal and see if your results are different.
    I don't know what's going on with your normal map, but I use a combination of Blender and xNormal myself; in my experience, you don't need any cages for baking, just a bit of frontal ray distance, so you can try to do without and see if the results are better.
  • Urbanmelon
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    Urbanmelon polycounter lvl 7
    I think you should definitely make his head smaller, right now his head-to-body size ratio is that of a 10 year-old, He looks really, really small. His head needs to be much, much smaller to make him look huge and imposing. Also he's not fat enough, if you just look at his silhouette, he looks more muscular than overweight.
  • jogshy
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    jogshy polycounter lvl 17
    Probably you need to explode some parts of the model to compute the NM/AO.
    Also sure the "Use cage" option is checked in.
    Avoid Blender's beta OBJ exporter if you can, it's very buggy.
  • Inkfish
    jogshy: hey! Thanks for the help, it seems like mesh is corrupted somehow, it seems like i have to redo the whole thing, good times :) I'm using the 2.53 build and it seemed to export all the other meshes really well and the bakes came out really well, will have to find out if i can salvage the corrupted mesh somehow.

    Urbanmelon: I see what you mean, i will work on the proportions more, but i'm not going fora super obese type of build more of a morbidly obese, for some reason it just doesn't make sense to me make him so fat that it would be impossible for him to move. The head issue is something i need to work on more, thanks for pointing that out!

    Zwebbie: thanks for the help! it seems like the whole mesh is corrupted somehow, i've had no problem with exporting meshes to Xnormal and baking maps from blender before. The discard backfaces-hits option didn't help in this instance nor using anything else, guess it would be quicker to remodel the whole thing than to trouble shoot this further.

    Odium: Thanks for the crit, will work on it.

    looprix: thanks man! i see what you mean with the stumpy legs, it would be true to the original char for sure, but somehow it doesn't quite sit well with me, having kinda hard time figuring out how he would move and all :) the guns definitely need more love, but i'm affraid that the high poly is messed somehow, need to redo them and add dents and bits with nDo filter and sculpting.

    Joopson: Thank you for the kind words and crits, I think i'll ad some more fat to the build, but prob. not as much as the original had :)

    Baby steps forward not too much time today to work on this :/, i exported the cage and projected the highpoly on top of that, now i'll have more polies in the right places to finalize the sculpt and tweak the measurements, i messed with the proportions some, smaller head, bit more fat and shorter legs, kinda satisfied with the result, but i'll add more fat, still not sure about the head, it should be the risght size 1/4 size to he's upper body, maybe the double chin throws my eye of or something. I'll work on first pass of the diffuse at the same time as the sculpting progressess.



    edit: is it customary to show wp shots in orthographic view? all the shots now are with perspective on in zbrush
  • Dashtoronto
    his tummy needs to be way rounder, dude. refer to all my prior posts about taking his belly button as a center point and just using an imaginary compass to make a circle using his belly button as a focus point.

    or the image of mcdonald's guy i posted.

    but good job, otherwise.

    and lol @ his penis. I can't believe you actually drew that.
  • Inkfish
    Dash toronto, now i see what you mean, i tought you were kidding when you went to that bellybuttonface tangent ;) good point.

    and about the penis, how could i resist, decided that i wouldn't bother with the fupa approach and make him anatomically correct (sorta) Do you think that makes him somewhat less menacing? :)
  • Dashtoronto
    this is just one general idea of the face of the demon that is the 'Mouth of Hell' that resides in the Mancubus' belly. For further examples, you can look up many faces of gargoyles with scary demon faces on them for even better examples. Basically: The Faces of Hell.





  • Inkfish
    Dashtoronto: that's actually a really cool idea i like the concept but i don't think i'll incorporate that in to this particular piece. I'll definitely keep that in mind!

    some more work on the diffuse, and minor sculpting. I made a realitme shader for the model and baked the maps. more sculpting to come and diffuse enhancements. Baby steps...

    Viewport grab in Blender
  • Dashtoronto
    Will he, at any time, smile or grimace or clench his teeth (while firing, perhaps) that perhaps, his mouth will be filled with green teeth?

    Also, more importantly,

    the thing that's missing is....

    his two guns are really small. They lack a menacing appearance. I would suggest making them twice as long and also twice as thick to give them a more powerful and more menacing look. (meaning a significant increase in number of rotating barrels for each chain gun)


    if you see in the below image. you'll see what i mean...(the guns are longer and look much bigger)

  • MattLichy
    man, tubes right into his junk... thats rough... lol

    I agree having a bigger belly would be good to have.

    Keep it up!
  • dekorkh
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    dekorkh triangle
    +1 to bigger belly - it will help with mass, break up the transition to his tuby (not tubby but like a tube) legs and will just make him look more dynamic... even w/o a pose.

    If "ok" = good enough.. then the transition between his arms and guns is good enough.
    If I was you and you were me.. I would say.. ney, you! "ok" is not good enough - I'm going to make the transition more dynamic, even if it means remodeling some of my awesome hard surface rings with holes in them in such a way that it's not just a line but that there are interesting shapes from the gun creep up in a staggering manner towards the shoulder..or something

    I don't know - it's nit picking. It's pretty solid - keep it up!
  • Tea Monster
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    Tea Monster polycounter lvl 15
    I use Blender. The beta program for the obj exporter has been a bit of a rollercoaster ride. I love Blender, but the way it handles normals drives me batty.

    I'd suggest upgrading to 2.55 (or grab one of the latest builds off of Graphicall). The other option is to take a copy of the mesh to 2.49b (the last non-beta version). You'll loose animation data, but you are just after a decent mesh to get into X-Normal. Once you've got that, you can continue working on the original in 2.5x.

    One thing with Blender that I found works well is to make the normals visible (with those blue lines sticking out of the faces). For some reason, Cntrl-N works better when you do that. Also, if you do have back-facing faces, you can actually see which ones are the offenders and individually flip them. Hit the 'N' key in the 3D window and its under 'Mesh Display'.

  • Inkfish
    Tea Monster: thank you so much! upgrading to 2.56 made a WORLD of difference, the normals were flipped in export every time for god knows what reason.Now i got the bakes working pretty well with a cage (all dem pipes were projecting to the mesh etc) I can't begin to tell you how relieved i am now after all the fuzz i had with the mechbits before.

    dekorh: Thanks man! Solid crits, now that i got the mechbits somewhat in order i plan on revisiting the sculpt, the hand stumps need work good point. I think i'll make the flesh entangle to the machine bits and add some clapms, maybe that will work :)

    MattLichy: Thanks! +1 duely noted for more fat :)

    Dashtoronto: you bet! i plan on adding a grinning mouth to the model as soon as i'm finished with the relaxed pose (and rotten teeth too!) I hear you about the guns, but i'll prob leave the as they are, i'll add some more details with nDo for sure.

    got the lowpoly model for the techbits working + unwrap and some diffuse work done

    OpenGL render from the viewports + sharpen in post


  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    Looking great! While I agree with some of the comments such as increasing the fat, elongating the guns a bit more and shortening the legs, they're definitely not necessary adjustments unless you're trying to go for an exact copy of the original Mancubus. The current version is more like your own interpretation of it and it looks perfectly fine the way it is.
  • PogoP
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    PogoP polycounter lvl 10
    This looks awesome, really nice job. Your hard surface high poly work is great!
  • Inkfish
    Zipfinator: Thanks man!

    PogoP: Thank you!

    gonna call this one done, thanks for everyone for good crits and comments! they really helped! This was really a good learning experience for me, really need to nail the design before finalizing heh :) there's lots of things i would do differently now, rethink the mech parts and especially how they connect to the body and i would play with the proportions some more. Still not convinced about the stubby legs though :)




    click for turntable
  • Mike Yevin
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    Mike Yevin polycounter lvl 11
    love the character, such an awesome take on a classic :thumbup:

    i have to say though that the beauty shot is looking rather blurry and low quality compared to the other wip shots you've posted up (this could be because of resizing or image compression, but i figured id point it out). also there is some odd poly distribution at a few places, like some excessive loops around the waist area, a harsh transition from the arms to the cannons, and it looks like you could probably use a few less edges for some of the cylinders making up the guns. other than that the model is ace
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    You could do a lot to help sell the character with posing now that you've got him finished. Hunch him over and make him look really ponderous and heavy.
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