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Maya verts problem

Hi, new here so youll have to bare with me if I sound really stupid.

I'm currently modelling a character to be used in my third year university project but ive hit a bit of a brick wall thats reduce my work to a snails pace.

For some reason everytime I move a vert the mesh stays in its original position until I go and physically delete the history. It's as if the mesh is being saved as I work and the vert movement im doing is only kicking in when I delete the history from the mesh. so moving verts around etc is a bit of a guessing game and then deleting history to see where ive moved them too.

I know it's probably something stupid like ive hit a key on the laptop that is doing this but can't find the answer to resolve it anywhere, wondering if anyone could shed some light on it for me?

Thanks alot

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