I have lurk this forum for a while and finally decided to post. I have been on and off doing odd jobs and still trying to get into the game industry. I am slowly working on new stuff and improving as I go. I also took a lot of time off after I graduated in June 2010, traveling and enjoying the other things I have missed out on while in school. Here is a link to my portfolio and images of what I am currently working on.
C&C would be awesome!
I plan on creating a few more modular buildings for the scene and adding signs/stop lights etc. I want to add a few vehicles and the train cart on the track as well. I will be updating this when I get back oversea (going to New Zealand and Taiwan, but will be working on the scene) So stay tune!
Your other stuff looks good. The subway line will obviously look a lot better once textured.
Only crit I have right now is to get more finished.
The building in the back does have a 2nd UV channel but for some reason it is giving me that weird shadow in UDK. I will try and up the light map resolution. Next update will be a big one, if not to an almost complete scene.