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Hey guys
Im working on a new char, a forest ranger.
Since texturing is my weakest point I really want to take some extra time and do the best I can.
Id love to hear what you guys think. any and all suggestions. Also, paintovers would be greatly appreciated.
Here are some quick textures I did to try out some different designs. Id like her to blend in between the trees. but i kinda like the first one. adds some flavor i think. (also, i am aware of the ass mirroring, going to fix it when i know the design)
If my computer just isn't loading a second image, than disregard my comment.
Looks solid. Love the details like seams in the cap. My favourite would probably #1 as well. A mix between that one and #3 would be hawt though. Like how it feels somewhat like a pattern on #3. Like camouflage.
It took me a little bit to notice any difference between #2 and #3. If you are going to do patterns on the cape, I would make them stand out a bit more. As it is now, #3 could be mistaken for dirt on the cape, even from a relatively short distance away.
And yeah, what's up with only showing us the back?!
And I think im gonna do a mix between #1 and #3. Going to try to do a detailed version of the trim and camo pattern and see what it looks like.
This is her in Maya with just the bake
And in marmoset with the texture
and the high poly:
And if you have any more suggestions or paintovers id really appreciate it. Thanks