This is the high poly of a harbor buoy I've been working on for a few days now. I'll be starting the low poly soon, but I really wanted to post this up for some critiques beforehand. Right now I'm thinking of adding more bolts and possibility throwing it into a sculpting program to do some minor scratches or barnacles.

I was certain that there would be some weld marks on those eyelets, but no
It looks awesome though
Unfortunately, I've hit a bit of snag. I'm familiar with normals maps and baking from a higher poly mesh, but I've not had a lot of practice. Basically, the only detail I need to grab are the bolts and the indention that wraps around the base from the high poly. What's the best way to approach this? Baking the entire object? Should I try to hide all other parts of the mesh but what I want to bake? Should I just bake those details to a plane and just photoshop it?
those bouyes have some fancy stuffo n top of them to show wther they mark the north/east/west/south side of the danger area they are depicting (does that make sense at all, if not i'll try to get my old references somewhere)