I am sure there are many ways to accomplish this I am just wondering what are some different approaches.
So basically what I want to do is break up the tiling of my floor panel texture by overlaying some basic black or brown dirt or grime. The thing is I want the dirt layer to be scaled much larger so it doesnt look like it is repeating just like the floor tiles.
If brushes can have Deco Layers painted on them maybe that would work?
On the other hand if you are using BSP then I think you are stuck with decals.
Here another way to do texture blending using a "mixmap" by Lamont.
also decals
So beside the little hiccup with Decals, I am also having a little issue with Mesh Painting as well. I got the Material set up and it works pretty well but there is a slight issue. The texture I have plugged into input B on my Lerp remains in some areas, its definitely being caused by the cloud texture I have but I don't know at what point or how to get rid of it. Even when I paint over it with other colors it still remains in a few spots, I can move where it shows up by adjusting the constant connected to the Rotate Node but cant paint over it all together. Here are some screen shots, the first one Is the tessellated mesh painted fully white/100% red, and the purple shows up fine of coarse. The second shot with RGB view mode on in the Mesh Paint options clearly shows that I painted over the left side with black which should cover up the purple with yellow. And in the third image you can see where the purple is being left behind.
Thanks again Polycount, maybe one day with the knowledge I get from you guys I might actually be able to answer a question:\
The more I think about it, just change the "Add" above the "Constant 20" to a Multiply, that way the vertex colors act as a mask.
Mathematically anything multiplied by 0 is 0, so a 0 value red channel vertex color multiplied by your clouds and vertex color combination will still end up with 0 where vertex color red channel is 0.
I not sure why you have the Power 20 and Constant Clamp anyway, it seems to just be making your material needlessly complex.
Thanks Apuna I'll give that a try when I get home.
As far as the Power 20 and the Constant Clamp, I just followed the Tut for Vertex Painting on UDK Central (http://udkc.info/index.php?title=Tutorials:Vertex_Color_Blending) and apparently this step is to "tighten the transition between the two vertex colors" I havent double checked if it is really necessary. But I will give that a whirl as well when I get in tonight.