Actually, you could take a geosphere in max and shape it to your desired general form. Then you could use the optimize modifier to get the random faceted look.
These thick white edges look wrong . Chrystals have sharp thin edges.
And crystals should not be "noisy".
And you should use a specular map, i really helps to get the lighting right.
your diffuse isn't really helping. you should be fine with just a cubemap and some specular highlights.
here's a quick test. All that's happening is that I'm doing a cubemap lookup on the backfaces (the inside), then again on the frontfaces, and finally a specular highlight. there's some color and usually I guess you'd add glow on top of that too.
This might end up being too complicated, but similar to how many people create rocks. I once took a base mesh, and applied a semi noisy image as a displacement map, and baked that out to polygons. This gave me a lot of extra polygons in strange places that I then start collapsing semi-randomly until I got to a point where I could start shaping things better. Working this way gave me lots of interesting shapes from the start that I probably wouldn't have originally made by hand.
@specter : thanks for the crits , i'm going to fix it thanks again @equil : awesome , but i try to make it , but didn't work with me ... did you use just metalbump for this one , ^^ can you explaine how you make it ? @throttlekitty : ya man , this is a good way , thanks
In Max, I'm not really too sure. Or do you mean in terms of shader work?
I just did this in about a minute:
texture is just some color , noise , some gradient to give that reflect effect
need some help with texture .. any one can help help
And crystals should not be "noisy".
And you should use a specular map, i really helps to get the lighting right.
here's a quick test. All that's happening is that I'm doing a cubemap lookup on the backfaces (the inside), then again on the frontfaces, and finally a specular highlight. there's some color and usually I guess you'd add glow on top of that too.
@equil : awesome , but i try to make it , but didn't work with me ... did you use just metalbump for this one , ^^ can you explaine how you make it ?
@throttlekitty : ya man , this is a good way , thanks