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My ZBrush must be different from the others...

Hi guys,

I recently acquired ZBrush 4, because the few persons I know who works in 3D design told me "Don't use Mudbox anymore, it's a cheap ZBrush, take ZBrush".

One of them "lent" me his ZBrush so I could try it before spending money on it.

It took me time to get used to the way we navigate into ZBrush but I got used to it and preferred it to Mudbox (Especially because of the ZSpheres feature).

So now I have my own ZBrush, recently bought, recently installed, but...

Yeah but my ZBrush seems to be "special" : it doesn't work AT ALL like the ZBrush I've been able to try.
It's the exact same version, bought at the exact same store, but it's completely different.

I can't even use the ZSpheres correctly, even when following the tutorials from Pixologic section ZClassroom...

I don't get it, and I don't really know how to explain that...

Did anybody has that "problem" before ?


  • Bal
    Offline / Send Message
    Bal polycounter lvl 17
    You should describe the problems you're coming across more precisely, in what way is it different exactly?
  • ScoobyDoofus
    Offline / Send Message
    ScoobyDoofus polycounter lvl 20
    Yeah, we cant just go from "it doesnt work!" to a solution. You need to be more specific. Please, include screenshots or video of the problem you are experiencing.

    When provided with enough info, Polycounters are almost always happy to help.
  • Mark Dygert
    weird... works for me.

    See what I did there...
  • ceebee
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    ceebee polycounter lvl 14
    Vig, mine doesn't work anything like yours. What the hell?
  • Treacharous
    All jokes aside, your friend probably had a custom UI setup and now you are using the default, that's the only thing I can think of with the provided information.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Demo is v3, current one you can buy is v4,
    your friend might have a custom v4 too,
    and whoever said "Don't use Mudbox anymore, it's a cheap ZBrush, take ZBrush" is a retard, don't listen to him. (same goes if he told you the opposite - either way, it's just plain stupid.)
  • NothingHappens
    Treacharous > Hm, probably, I don't know, I'll ask him as soon as I can.

    pior > I didn't try the demo, my friend lent me his laptop on which his ZBrush was installed and I had a week to "play" with it.
    It was ZBrush 4. Not 3 or 3.5.

    ScoobyDoofus + Bal > I'm sorry I didn't give enough informations, I don't really know how to explain it.
    Unfortunately a screenshot can't really help and I don't think a video will be useful too (Except if in that video we see what I do with the mouse/keyboard AND what happens in ZBrush) because the "problem" is the way my version of ZBrush answers to what I do, compared to my friend's version.

    The easiest thing I can explain is about the viewport :
    When I'm clicking outside of the model in the canvas and slide my mouse straight to the right, on my friend's ZBrush the view rotates the same way around the model to the right when on my ZBrush the view rotates the same way but the model also rotates on itself in an uncontrollable direction.
    (Kinda like when you are using the bottom view in 3DS Max and try to turn around the model like if you were on an upper-view, it acts awkwardly)

    When I'm doing the same thing when holding the Shift key the view is supposed to change from Front to Left/Right/Top/Bottom/Back depending on in which direction you move the mouse, that's the way it works on my friend's ZBrush (And all other ZBrush when I watch video tutorials), on my ZBrush the view is not straight at all, by example, the front view (the default one so, as soon as I press Shift and click in the canvas) gets rotated in many different axes. The model is still almost in th center of th viewport, but if before doing Shift+click the model is like that : -
    As soon as I press Shift and click in the canvas, I suddenly see that : /

    I can't explain the problem with the ZSpheres at all though, I may have lost the habit to use them between when I gave back the laptop to my friend and bought my own ZBrush, plus the viewport acting awkwardly which doesn't help.

    Is it better or you need more informations ?
    (I'll give you my friend's answer about if his ZBrush is customized or not as soon as possible)
  • cryrid
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    cryrid interpolator
    When I'm clicking outside of the model in the canvas and slide my mouse straight to the right, on my friend's ZBrush the view rotates the same way around the model to the right when on my ZBrush the view rotates the same way but the model also rotates on itself in an uncontrollable direction.
    It's possible you either you don't have 'rotate on all axis' toggled on which could limit the axis of rotation, or you may be using local transformations (which will use the last place you clicked on the model as the center/axis of the rotation).


    This may also fix the shift-clicking issue, if I'm reading and visualling the problem correctly. Just to be sure though, click first (hold), and hit/hold shift second.
  • Firebert
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    Firebert polycounter lvl 16
    pior wrote: »
    and whoever said "Don't use Mudbox anymore, it's a cheap ZBrush, take ZBrush" is a retard, don't listen to him. (same goes if he told you the opposite - either way, it's just plain stupid.)


    i think cyrid might be onto the problem you are experiencing with navigation. make sure xyz is selected. turn off the floor option while in persp view. feels like blender navigation to me when i have floor enabled, and yes, it is awkward-ish. also make sure your tool is centered on the canvas by hitting "F".
  • maze
    is it possible that ur friend have zswitcher installed and you dont? I know it remaps some stuff...
  • NothingHappens
    Hi guys, quick answer between two classes :

    cryrid > Thanks for this info.
    I know I have "rotate on all axis" toggled on, but I'm not sure about the local thing.
    I'll check as soon as I can (Probably in about 2 hours).

    I've not paid attention if I was clicking first or pressing shift first, does it change something if I press shift before clicking ? (I know that I have to pay attention for that, now)

    Firebert > Well, I won't debate about if Mudbox is a cheap ZBrush, or the opposite, or both, or neither.

    I'll try turning off the floor option too, then.
    (I never liked the navigation in Blender =/)
    Hitting F to center the tool on the canvas, noted.

    maze > My friend said he only has the plugins that are in the Downloads section of pixologic.com, I checked and there isn't ZSwitcher, but I'll ask him to be sure.

    Thanks for your answers.
    I'll edit as soon as I've tried your ideas or post new answer if somebody answered before.

    EDIT :

    The problem is fixed.
    Apparently the local thing was the source of all the problems, it was activated by default, and since I deactivated it, everything works perfectly, the camera answers correctly and I'm re-able to use the ZSpheres properly (Incredible how a simple problem with the point of view can prevent you using several tools you were able to use without any problem in normal conditions).

    I still haven't found the floor option but apparently that's not the problem.

    Thank you all for your help and sorry for having made you waste your time.
  • cryrid
    Offline / Send Message
    cryrid interpolator
    Ah, cheers then. I would recommend spending some time getting used to working with local transforms on. You may not find a need for it when viewing the whole model, but if you're zoomed in on something like a foot and you only want to rotate the view around the foot, that's when it really comes in handy.
  • NothingHappens
    Yeah, I've been thinking about that.
    As long as the view controls comes back to normal when I switch the local off, I'm happy.
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