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Emissive question

Hey guys, I am wondering how to set up an emissive texture so that the area that I have painted on my emissive texture doesn't completely cover up the diffuse map underneath it. Here is a screen shot from Hourences' page where the Blue light is being emitted but you can still see the underlying diffuse texture. Right now when I set it up wherever I tell the light to emit from it also just shows up as that solid color. Here is also my basic emisive node setup.


  • Bal
    Offline / Send Message
    Bal polycounter lvl 17
    You could try multiplying your emissive texture with your diffuse texture maybe.
  • Oniram
    Offline / Send Message
    Oniram polycounter lvl 17
    if its for something like a light, you may want to do somewhat of a gradient transition for it. that way when its plugged into the emissive, anything that is grey will not cover the texture, and if you have a hotspot (completely white), it will. then you can play with the power of it in the static mesh properties.
  • knak47
    Oniram wrote: »
    if its for something like a light, you may want to do somewhat of a gradient transition for it. that way when its plugged into the emissive, anything that is grey will not cover the texture, and if you have a hotspot (completely white), it will. then you can play with the power of it in the static mesh properties.

    So you mean like a grey scale gradient? I don't follow, For instance I want a red light, I thought I had to make my emissive texture red in the area I wanted it to glow red in order for it to work as I want. Cuz if I put white in that spot it just covers it up with white and glows white. Sorry I am new to using emissive textures and haven't found anywhere where someone demonstrates how to actually paint in Photoshop the file that you plug into the emissive chanel.
  • Oniram
    Offline / Send Message
    Oniram polycounter lvl 17
    here is what im talking about.

    these are the two textures.

    the texture itself

    the alpha

    and the material setup in udk

    and the mesh properties

    hope that helps.
  • knak47
    Yes that helped a lot man thanks, I didnt know to get the color from a constant.
  • Oniram
    Offline / Send Message
    Oniram polycounter lvl 17
    yup. it makes it a lot easier to get the color from constants so that you dont need to go back n forth messing with colors from photoshop.
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