I was wondering if there is a way or script out there. To create a hole from a vertex. Maybe even have some control of how many sides you want the hole to be(as in 6 sided or 8 sided)?
This is for my job I need to make a lot of bolt holes for bolts to go in. Instead of going crazy with cuts.
thanks for the help or suggestion in advance.
So it´s just less cuts i guess.4 Cut´s , 1 Chamfer and 1 Spherize(or some equivalent).
The Chamfer step can be done on all Verts at the same time.
the size is hardcoded but I want to make it depending on the volume of the vert with its neighboring verts - and say like 0.25 of that volume like a quarter.
this is the dirty code so far, select a vert on your editPoly base and run it
The base idea is around having just quads (similar to pTex), so you select one in your current model like where you want to have a detail, hole or whatever. In a script panel or interface you pick a prefab tile that you want to fill it with.
The script would align that prefab (or copies if multiple faces were selected) using FFD or similar skew/transform taper,.. or just linear interpolation math I could do myself. Because quads in models can have trapezoid shapes its not just a matter of scaling w / h but transforming based on each of the 4 corners (like FFD could).
The last step would be to attach the prefabs and weld the corner verts all into a new editPoly modifier so that the whole thing can be undone or previewed on / off.
This could be a cool script for all kinds of details to be added into complex subDiv models
With your script renderhjs is there possible way to set it up so, you can select multiple verts at the same time? Is there a way to do this hole cutting for a tube? Like a bridge type of feature?
Is it possible for a script to call for a max file that has pre-made holes for a quad? so you have more control of what it looks like in the end ?
Is there also a way to do this hole cutting for a tube?
add more edges and reinforce the corners so it holds the shape.
Up to how the script would be coded, certainly possible- my style not so much.
I was thinking about something like this:
A few (3 in this example) hardcoded templates that one could use to fill the quads with. Each of those templates can be placed in the scene as well (edit buttons) so you can modify and pick it after wards in the script.
another question is how well can it be done to a cylinder with out creating bumps?
Also what if the square was not a perfect square, would it make your circle more oval like?
However, I would of suggested to use normal "widgets" for things such as screws, bolts etc....what I mean, is a repository of already made normal maps of screws and such that you can literally copy and paste where appropriate in photoshop, combining normals sort of thing.