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Balmora Reborn(Environment)

I've started this thread since I need to get motivated on the new project I've started working on. The whole plan is to remake the whole city of Balmora in TES: Morrowind. I do this to boast my portfolio that I'm currently working on, but also to get loads of experience and an offer to work at Bethesda Softworks.. poly133.gif haha.

I'm currently deciding on which engine I'm going to use as well as the creation pipeline. The whole thought is to extensively use tileable maps together with low custom Ambient Occlusion maps, polypainting for variety.

This is what I got so far:
  • References. (from Morrowind)
  • Landscape mesh 20k tris (Needs fixing and crit).
  • Idea for prop creation pipeline
  • Great spirit.
This is what currently needs to be decided on:
  • Engine.
  • Creation pipeline needs to be set in stone.
Here's a quick Technical Sheet that I've done to illustrate my idea of pipeline:

Critique is really golden right now since I haven't really taken on this kind of projects before. What's most important is probably if the pipeline I've constructed is workable and if you have any opinions/advices regarding it and choice of game engine.

I've been looking at UDK and also have some experience in it, but I haven't really been able to figure out a good way to assign Ambient Occlusion to meshes/objects. I'm not really sure if that's the engine to choose for this type of project.

I'm going to keep working on some other prop while I wait for input.



  • oobersli
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    oobersli polycounter lvl 17
    2k tris for a lod 1 of a hanging sign? Is that because instead of using normal maps to define a model your just chamfering the fuck out of it? If so, how is that practice? I would think you'd want to get "loads of experience" doing things the most commonly used way. You can use your tileable textures to incorporate throughout all your individual textures as reference, but at some point without a bit of custom detail the scene may end up looking very repetitive and bland.

    If someone has actually done a pipeline like this in a real production setting, I'd love to see some documentation and screenshots. [edit]- a current game that actually looks nice

    But if you decide to keep going that route, the only way i can think of would be a pain in the ass.

    it would require you to make a seperate material for each texture that you have tiling on your mesh. In each of those materials you would multiply your ao map you created in the second uv channel over you diffuse. So in the end instead of having just one material with a custom texture, you'll need 3 *using your sign for example* and a custom ao map. headache and a organization nightmare.
  • NoctyQ
    Thanks for feedback!
    oobersli wrote: »
    2k tris for a lod 1 of a hanging sign? Is that because instead of using normal maps to define a model your just chamfering the fuck out of it? If so, how is that practice? I would think you'd want to get "loads of experience" doing things the most commonly used way. You can use your tileable textures to incorporate throughout all your individual textures as reference, but at some point without a bit of custom detail the scene may end up looking very repetitive and bland.
    On the polycount I'm 100% with you, It's too high. I tried something different since I usually end up with assets not fitting it's purpose. I'm quite new when it comes to game art creation, and I'd appreciate if you/someone could estimate the budget for these types of assets, in these types of environments. I will of course use some smaller custom textures for some assets, this included. 60 or 70% of the polycount is from the bolts though, I know... It's bad but I knew that I'd be able to replace it with a plane at less then 20m.
    If someone has actually done a pipeline like this in a real production setting, I'd love to see some documentation and screenshots. [edit]- a current game that actually looks nice
    As I stated, this is my idea and I don't really see why it can't be executed nicely. It might of course be heavy performance wise but that's a different matter altogether and if that's the case I'd retreat. You will however get a lot more detail going with tileable assets and of course some blending with other tileable maps and of course polypaint.
    But if you decide to keep going that route, the only way i can think of would be a pain in the ass.

    it would require you to make a seperate material for each texture that you have tiling on your mesh. In each of those materials you would multiply your ao map you created in the second uv channel over you diffuse. So in the end instead of having just one material with a custom texture, you'll need 3 *using your sign for example* and a custom ao map. headache and a organization nightmare.
    Well I figured that there might be a engine that could handle AO assigned to a mesh/object in the same way UDK handles lightmaps, one map per asset.

    So in my example:
    3* tileable Materials (seperate materials)
    1* AO map assigned to asset in the same manner as lightmap usually is.
    And I have to state that I love your feedback and you are most definitely correct regarding that this is indeed not the most common way of working, I'm fully aware of that. And I can see how it's seems like a pain in the ass from your perspective.

    Edit: I know that GSC Game World uses tileable maps to a wide extent.(S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series).
  • Cyrael
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    Cyrael polycounter lvl 10
    NoctyQ wrote: »
    I'm quite new when it comes to game art creation, and I'd appreciate if you/someone could estimate the budget for these types of assets, in these types of environments.

    From my experience I would say the main thing that matters is defining a clear silhouette - if you can do that in 10 poly's then do it in 10..

    for something like this I would say you don't really need many more than 20 poly's for LOD 3, and go upward from there..

    Of course I'm not much more than a newbie myself so I'm sure someone else can offer a much more technical opinion.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    This could probably be done with 200 triangles or less.
    I see you mention tileable maps and "this prop has 3 different materials applied",
    so if you're saying it's got 3 tilable materials applied to it that means 3 draw calls - a big no-no for such a small prop, I'd cut you some slack if that was for a whole building.

    A small prop like this should be unwrapped uniquely with one texture, depending on how it's used it would probably use the same texture page as a bunch of other tavern/shop props.

    update: all is not lost, you can build a low poly, use your current sign as the highpoly and bake the diffuse to your low poly.
  • Snader
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    Snader polycounter lvl 15
    How the heck do you get 1500 polygons on just the bolts? Just make them cubes, and delete the invisible polygon. 32 tris per bolt, 320 for the whole.

    The lowest LOD shouldn't exceed 100 polies.
  • duxun
    are you planning on doing balmora by yourself because i would love to help out and make this in UDK. i love TES games !!!! samples of my work are on my sig...
  • Don Karnage
    Remake the guards too, but keep the amazing original animations >.<
  • NoctyQ
    Snader wrote: »
    How the heck do you get 1500 polygons on just the bolts?
    Haha to be fair the bolts went at 1200tris!
    Seems more reasonable to scrap the whole bolt idea altogether.
    I've seen it in games I've played and though it was cool to have it as geo but I could probably make it look just as good with out it.

    I had another version using the more of a standard pipeline before I created the one I showed you:
    The lowest LOD shouldn't exceed 100 polies.
    This is good stuff, I'll remember that from now on! :thumbup:
    Cyrael wrote: »
    for something like this I would say you don't really need many more than 20 poly's for LOD 3, and go upward from there..
    I made a quick LOD3 and it ended up at 40 tris.
    This could probably be done with 200 triangles or less.
    I must be pretty off since I have 416tri for the chains only.. :(

    ...3 tilable materials applied... ... 3 draw calls - a .. no-no ..small prop ... slack ... whole building.

    A small prop like this should be unwrapped uniquely.. one texture ... use the same texture.. other... props.
    Got it! :) Will follow your advice :thumbup:

    Do you guys think that a LOD 1 at 894 tris is acceptable or should I continue to butcher the mesh? I know that it might be hard to say a certain number but it would really make it much easier for me since I don't really want to be laughed at again :(

    Edit: Added replies that I added before going to bed.
    duxun wrote: »
    are you planning on doing balmora by yourself because i would love to help out and make this in UDK.

    Haha, sure. I'm never going to be able to finish Balmora on my own in all seriousness. Once I'm done with creating a few props and feel a bit more settled with creating game assets I'd love to collaborate on Balmora :)

    TES rules!
  • duxun
    let me know i would love to work on balmora...
  • PatrickL
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    PatrickL polycounter lvl 9
    Those chains could be done with planes and an alpha for the lowest LOD. From 416 triangles to ~8, I think it might be worth it. You seem to have the right ideas, just little understanding of the execution. I think it would help you immensely to look at existing props from games you own and observer their changes in LOD, as well as how they minimize triangle usage. Once you understand the most efficient ways to pinch poly counts, I think you'll be in business.

    Keep it up.
  • Fwap
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    Fwap polycounter lvl 13
    This project sound awesome! I'm keen as chips to see more.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    This really makes me want to pick a location from a game and upgrade it, good luck, lookin good so far.
  • Joopson
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    Joopson quad damage
    How dare you inspire me to want to do much the same thing?!
    Haha, can't wait to see more.
    *Scampers off to take screenshots from another major city in Morrowind, so he can revamp it*
  • Snader
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    Snader polycounter lvl 15
    I did a wee experiment on chains a while ago, it might help you get that 416 down to something more appropriate.
    Snader wrote: »
    Very dependant on hardware, as well as placement (is it a centerpiece), and artstyle.

    In this case, you might want to model, but keep it really lowpoly. You might be able to save a good bunch of polies if you use a 1bit alpha for the center without having it cost too much performance. A pretty small texture (maybe a 128²) and only few pixels on screen should keep it pretty light.


    These models are all 20 triangles per shackle, which would end up at about 1280 triangles per chain, 5K for all the chains. A bit poly heavy still, so maybe just a simple box? That would end up around 2-2.5K polies for the chains.

    Still too much? Then you could get tricky like this:
    This setup would cost you about 160 or so polies per chain, coming to a total of about 6-700 polies for the whole set. Sounds affordable enough.

    You can combine the techniques as well, having more detailed ones on eye height (like shep said) for more awesomeness.
    from http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=74502

    I think 800-900 is okay for the detail model, but you could probably bring it down to 500 without much problems, got a wireframe to show? Preferably with the LOD's as well?

    As for numbers, budgeting is a huge guessing game anyway, it's not as important to stick to them 100%. If a shape turns out to be pretty complex, you can spend some extra on them. Just make sure that you spend your polygons where they are most effective. By that I mean chamfering the bolts would be ridiculous, spend those polies on rounding out the round stick instead or just save them for another object.

    Oh also. We're not just going to laugh at you for not knowing something. We're just trying to help you improve and work as efficiently as possible. We might be blunt sometimes, but we do that because we love you, honestly.
  • conte
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    conte polycounter lvl 18
    I had the same idea recently, very cool that you've started the project!
    Wish you best of luck and fun on it, man.
  • Sebeuroc
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    Sebeuroc polycounter lvl 13
    Great idea, man! I very much look forward to see what you do with this.

    You should mod it into Skyrim in November.
  • ıomeen
    Hello, NoctyQ!
    I loved Morrowind. (never liked Oblivion, though)
    I'd suggest blocking out the map first. You could also bring in some of your own ideas and go slightly off the path of the original Balmora. For example, adding objects that aren't in the original town, because of the limited graphics back in the time of Morrowind. Hiring companies like seeing a little bit of your own creativity – properly dosed ofcourse.

    Did you make a blockout of the town yet? That could be very useful to you before you start with details. It helps keeping the style coherent.
  • NoctyQ
    Haha you guys are awesome :)
    Thanks for all the help and support!
    It would be awesome if you guys remade other cities! poly142.gif
    We could have all done in time till Skyrim and just mod it in!thumbup.gif

    I'm still working away at the signs... Taking it slow and trying to get it right I guess. Still wip as you probably can tell.
    Snader wrote: »
    I did a wee experiment on chains a while ago, it might help you get that 416 down to something more appropriate.
    That's awesome! I Would love to try that on my lower LODs.
    Do I need to save a unique alpha map or could I just save my tga in 32bits?
    I removed one of the corners of the chain and welded so I got it down to about 300, still not optimal but having it as geometry was important for me haha :poly136:
    Would probably make it differently with hindsight.
    I'm still working on the lower lods but the lod3 is finished for the first sign. How much would be okay for lod2? Would 50% of lod1 be okay or is there any rules/guidelines? Feels like I should scrap all the depth for lod2 and just cut out all the other geometry that I can and use a alpha for the chains.
    ıomeen wrote: »
    Did you make a blockout of the town yet? That could be very useful to you before you start with details. It helps keeping the style coherent.
    Yeah I have a rough blockout, I also have some plans for some new props/ideas to add for the design.
    I'll take some screengrabs of it and show you guys later to day(friday).

    I've downloaded UDK now and was wondering if there's some good way to create the terrain? I have a heightmap but I also have the terrain as a mesh.

    I'm currently reading as much info I can about it before I jump in but if someone has a link or hands-on tip I'd be more than happy!
    The most awesome would be if I could use the heightmap in UDK and decide on polycount in the engine, but that's probably more of a silly dream...(?)
  • HonkyPunch
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    HonkyPunch polycounter lvl 18
    And then maybe we can have a sexy sexy port into skyrim.
  • Will Faucher
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    Will Faucher polycounter lvl 12
    I think the paint on the wooden signs should be way more worn off than that. Chips and cracks will help alot with that. On top of which, the paint looks like you put 6-7 coats. Make it look thinner by making the normal map of the wood grain show up on the paint.

    Otherwise, I like where this is headed. But at the rate you're going with this, it may just take forever for you to finish Balmora altogether. It's not a small town! I would block out the scene first, and then finish with these panels. Also, the level of detail you put into these panels, is... well... a little extreme. Sure, it looks great! But also very time consuming for such a little thing that players only occasionally glance at.
  • NoctyQ
    Prophecies wrote: »
    I think the paint on the wooden signs should be way more worn off than that. Chips and cracks will help alot with that. On top of which, the paint looks like you put 6-7 coats. Make it look thinner by making the normal map of the wood grain show up on the paint.
    Thanks for the feedback! I just smacked the white paint on it while I searched for my wacom pen that I've probably forgotten at a friends house. It looks thick I know, but I'll change that very soon! :)

    Once I've normal mapped the materials I'll make sure that the wood pops the paint!
    Prophecies wrote: »
    Otherwise, I like where this is headed. But at the rate you're going with this, it may just take forever for you to finish Balmora altogether. It's not a small town! I would block out the scene first, and then finish with these panels. Also, the level of detail you put into these panels, is... well... a little extreme. Sure, it looks great! But also very time consuming for such a little thing that players only occasionally glance at.
    I know that it's going slow but I haven't done a project like this and I really want to get all the fundamentals down before I start working fast and in big scale. I also have a lot more stuff than I'm showing off right now. But once I get more settled I hope that the work speed will increase.

    I'll show the blockout as soon as I can!
  • Joopson
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    Joopson quad damage
    Wireframes, perhaps?
  • NoctyQ
    Joopson wrote: »
    Wireframes, perhaps?
    Yeah, It's coming up.

    I've also made a rough blockout of the whole city:
    I've had some serious hardware failure so the height is probably off by a lot. Will have to install Morrowind or try to recover the hdd. I know that some of the house shapes are off as well.

    If you find something odd or that doesn't match when it comes to scale/else I'd be happy to hear it.

    I haven't added any stairs yet, will probably start blocking them out now.
  • conte
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    conte polycounter lvl 18
    maybe you could try to make it on Oblivion base?
    It can be playable in this case)
  • Sebeuroc
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    Sebeuroc polycounter lvl 13
    The signs are looking really nice. My only question is concerning the font on the Mage's Guild sign, keep in mind that san-serif fonts weren't developed until the 1920s.
  • NoctyQ
    conte wrote: »
    maybe you could try to make it on Oblivion base?
    It can be playable in this case)
    I will do it in UDK for now.
    But once Skyrim is released I might try to bring it in to their new engine depending on what software support we'll get.
    Sebeuroc wrote: »
    The signs are looking really nice. My only question is concerning the font on the Mage's Guild sign, keep in mind that san-serif fonts weren't developed until the 1920s.

    Haha yeah, the text is just a placeholder while I wait for my wacom pen to magically appear! The Mage's will just have a clean symbol as a sign as well.

    On the flipside: I'm installing the newest udk and will start to bring in the blockout. Will grab some screens depending on how it goes! :thumbup:
  • Rurouni Strife
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    Rurouni Strife polycounter lvl 10
    Good luck with such a massive project!

    Since part of your goal is to use this to specifically get a job at Bethesda, I'd use Oblivion or even Fallout 3 to create a playable version. That's up to you however. Who knows how much of the Gamebyro/GECK Creation Kit is carried over to Skyrim's Creation Engine.
  • NoctyQ
    Good luck with such a massive project!

    Since part of your goal is to use this to specifically get a job at Bethesda, I'd use Oblivion or even Fallout 3 to create a playable version. That's up to you however. Who knows how much of the Gamebyro/GECK Creation Kit is carried over to Skyrim's Creation Engine.
    Thanks man!

    The part about getting a job at Bethesda was more of a joke :poly136:.. Internship will do fine.. Nah, but I'll create it in UDK for now and if I'll get it done I might start thinking of bringing it into the Creation Engine. I mostly do it in UDK because I have some experience of the engine. I also think that using a up to date engine with lots of updated tutorials will help make the art justice.
  • NoctyQ
    Imported it into UDK:
    Mostly just to get a feeling of the scale and how it will look like ingame.layout_screenUDK01.jpg
    Also have some things to fix, I think I'll start swinging from now on and just make everything fit.

    The changes will be so minimal that most people won't even notice. The key is that everything fits and resembles Balmora on a concept level. I'll start adding some more geometry to the blockout and start thinking about how to divide the things that will be tileable/instanced.

  • Will Faucher
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    Will Faucher polycounter lvl 12
    You better make that Silt Strider!

    Or else....

    I used to think that the thing would kill me if I got too close! Long live the first days playing Morrowind!
  • greevar
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    greevar polycounter lvl 6
    "Ew! You're naked! Spare me!"
    "Speak quickly Outlander, I haven't much time."

    Oh how I missed the good old days. I remember that town gave my GeForce 2 GTS are hard time. :)
  • NoctyQ
    Prophecies wrote: »
    You better make that Silt Strider!

    Or else....

    I used to think that the thing would kill me if I got too close! Long live the first days playing Morrowind!
    I recall having kind of the same thought first time I meet one! I also tried picking fights with them on a regular basis :thumbup:.

    I'd love to have a go at the silth strider! I'm kind of weak at organic modelling/sculpting so it's on my to-do list:poly142:
    greevar wrote: »
    "Ew! You're naked! Spare me!"
    "Speak quickly Outlander, I haven't much time."

    Oh how I missed the good old days. I remember that town gave my GeForce 2 GTS are hard time. :)
    Haha, I remember walking into a random house in Balmora and just endlessly beat the crap of a NPC until I'd level up enough on my hand-to-hand, then I'd just walk out the door and pay the clerk at thieves guild and it was like it never happened!
    It was like an hour of constant "ouch" and "ough". I still consider the woodelf males naked line to be the best of all time.. all time!

    Also constantly jumping to level up the acrobatics. :poly136:
    So much memories!
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