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polycounter lvl 13
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TDub polycounter lvl 13
I'll be posting my work in this thread for now on, unless I start something big. :) Will be showing a wide range of work in here. From 3d art, to textures and environments. Hopefully a few tutorials in the process.

I posted a few small things in here. In-case they were missed. http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=80204

To start this off, here is a little wip of a chair i started tonight.



  • TDub
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    TDub polycounter lvl 13
  • Nacon
    That I've seen the reference photos, can't help but expect for some folds and winkles on cushions. But then, I noticed it look more like leather cushions instead. I think it'll look great when textured as leather, if otherwise.

    Great work on getting the wood frame details.
  • 55joe
  • TDub
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    TDub polycounter lvl 13
    Hboybowen- Thanks, I adjusted the size better.

    Nacon- Thank you for that, it did have a leather look to it. I havent done very much cloth work. I redid them with better wrinkles, to match the photo.

    55joe- Thanks :)

    I will have a game mesh and textures soon enough! Stay tuned.
  • TDub
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    TDub polycounter lvl 13
    Playing around with some zsclupt techniques, in preparation for something big!1qseur.jpg
  • polozad
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    polozad polycounter lvl 9
    Intersecting human bodies should be in this figure. Many tiny human bodies.
    Nope, I'm not a maniac.
  • TDub
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    TDub polycounter lvl 13
    been creating a tileable texture every day. trying to produce better quality and different styles faster. These were all about 1 hour each.

    edit: sorry, how about now? just switched to use dropbox.

  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    I can't see the picture in your latest post.
  • Oniram
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    Oniram polycounter lvl 17
    nice job on the tileables. really really like the first one, tho the diffuse seems to have a bit too much "specularity" in it.. if that makes sense.
  • TDub
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    TDub polycounter lvl 13
    Thanks Oniram, that one was the fastest of the three haha. I agree about the specular look. I'm still playing around with different mat caps to save out for the best effects. Will make sure to keep that in mind :)
  • Oniram
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    Oniram polycounter lvl 17
    are u texturing that in zbrush?
  • TDub
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    TDub polycounter lvl 13
    Sometimes I do texture them in Zbrush if I feel that it will be a faster route (something like the root texture would have been faster and better quality that way I think..) but these were all textured in PS. I export the tiled document out of ZB with different matcaps and overlay them, such as ao and cavity.
  • Oniram
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    Oniram polycounter lvl 17
    ah ok. so then you work tiling in zbrush on the document (using ` to tile.. correct?). just interested because im doing quite a few tiling texures myself, trying to get better as i go and always looking for different methods to help me improve. :D
  • TDub
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    TDub polycounter lvl 13
    Yes I use the ` offset method quite a bit for tiling textures now. It is a very fast and efficient way for a lot of different textures. Though it can be quite limiting sometimes, so I don't recommend it for everything.

    A few pointers that I can give would be; (keep in mind, I'm no expert. Just knowledge I've gathered through the years.)

    1) The scale of your texture is most important. Depending on the resolution and use of the texture, you need to make sure that the real world measurements are adequate. You don't want to make a texture that tiles every 15 meters, or you are just wasting a lot of quality and spending too much time modeling out more pieces.. Then you don't want it only being 1/2 a meter or it will be very obviously tileable in-game. (still depending on what it will be used for) I usually go around 3-4 meters for regular terrain textures.

    2) Make sure that the details you are adding do not glare out when tiled. This goes for modeling and texturing. Always take a step back and tile your work while you are progressing on it. Just keep a good amount of all around detail.

    Look through this Naughty Dog art thread. There are a few pages that cover this stuff. Really inspired me to start delving into more texture work like this.


    Hopefully that helps.
  • TDub
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    TDub polycounter lvl 13
    UDK render of my latest texture.


    Highpoly Zbrush render. Sculpted 4 rocks for this. Total time about 3 hours.
  • TDub
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    TDub polycounter lvl 13
    Thanks mike. One of the things that is causing this to look a little flat, is a weak ambient occlusion map (you can see there is even hardly any ao inbetween some of the big rocks and small rocks)

    I am having some trouble figuring out the best way to go about it since you cant export a real ao map from a Zbrush document (that i know of). Zbrush materials and Crazybump maps really dont cut it.. I'm working on a method to get a clean bake in xnormal, using a displaced grid from my document heightmap. A few more tests and i think ill get it :)

    Other than that, this is just a very deep texture to capture without supporting geometry.
  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    I think the flat one looks pretty nice for the most part. As you said, it's a hard texture to sell without geometry and the flat you have looks very good for the depth the ZBrush render has. Reminds me of Borderlands for some reason.
  • Oniram
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    Oniram polycounter lvl 17
  • TDub
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    TDub polycounter lvl 13
    I hate to keep showing this, but i was able to produce a much better ambient occlusion map for it. Very happy with the result :)
  • TDub
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    TDub polycounter lvl 13
    Little practice for today, clay honey comb tiles. Still figuring out some new methods of my own. If there is interest for the process of this one, ill gladly go over it. :)

  • PixelMasher
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    PixelMasher veteran polycounter
    that rock looks cool but there is no color variation between the rocks, and also there only seems to be 3 sizes, big, small and tiny, some more drastic size variation could help it feel more organic.
  • TDub
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    TDub polycounter lvl 13
    Thanks for the crits, I absolutely agree. I tried to get some color variation in there, but I guess I held back too much. Will keep those in mind!
  • Oniram
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    Oniram polycounter lvl 17
    for the specular in your tiles, id get rid of those really dark areas in the top right/bottom left. there isnt anything really there in the diffuse that warrants it being dark. one thing you could do that would be a bit interesting is grab a few random selections of tiles and change the value of the underlying base color. have some lighter and darker. that way itll add some variation to the spec. something subtle but effective. also you could take your normal map, and do any of those auto edge detection methods in photoshop to give the edges of your diffuse/spec a bit of a "shine"

    in case you dont know any of those methods here are a few.

    1. toss your normal map in crazybump, go to displacement and take the enhance detail option all the way up. bring that back to photoshop and put it on top of your layers.. set to screen. play with levels and opacity.

    2. Take your normal map in photoshop. copy and paste the red and green channels of the normal map to new layers. overlay and merge them. run Filter > Other > High Pass. mess with the slider so you get a good outline around your tiles. level and set to screen and adjust opacity.

    hope it helps.
  • TDub
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    TDub polycounter lvl 13
    Thanks Oniram. I actually used the first one you mentioned. Kept it really subtle, since this kind of clay is pretty specific in regards to how it shades; ie very little highlights even when chipped/scraped. As for the specular, i agree. That is just a very fast one to get some extra shading in there. These are more speedy works to figure out new stuff.
  • TDub
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    TDub polycounter lvl 13
    Here is some stuff I've been doing the last week.

    No lightmaps yet, so the lighting is a little harsh



    and some modular pipes

  • Oniram
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    Oniram polycounter lvl 17
    very nice. is that cryengine or udk?
  • TDub
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    TDub polycounter lvl 13
    Thanks man, its UDK. I used to use Cryengine a few years back, so maybe I subconsciously setup the lighting to look like it lol
  • synergy11
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    synergy11 polycounter lvl 6
    Hey TDub! : )

    I am interested in learning your honey-comb method.


  • TDub
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    TDub polycounter lvl 13
    2 day speedy. trying to get over some aspects of tessellation.. can be quite a pain in the ass.



  • TDub
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    TDub polycounter lvl 13
    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8zVIY0ymLlI"]Hardwell_Park.mp4 - YouTube[/ame]

    Level I did for 2013 - Infected Wars. Optimized for A4 apple products. All work done by me, except for a few civilian vehicles. Will post some breakdowns soon.
  • Cheathem
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    Cheathem polycounter lvl 6
    I love the infected wars environment you created,really inspires me.
    great job and cant wait to see the breakdowns! :D
  • TDub
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    TDub polycounter lvl 13
    Hey guys, got some time to grab decent shots of the level, and some breakdown info.






    Here are some Lighting shots. Used a lot of Lightmap Modifications to get the extra details in there. Normal maps were also baked down into the lightmaps.




    Instead of using any emmisive textures/materials. I made a simple method of using very bright lights next to a section that you want to look bright.


    Lastly is a wire shot of the level. Since the atlas/level uses a lot of tileling textures, you can see a lot of grid work.


    Textures used

  • TDub
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    TDub polycounter lvl 13
  • TDub
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    TDub polycounter lvl 13
    Finally bought my domain and hosting today!


    Just a start to my first custom web design. Stay tuned for more updates in the coming months.
  • TDub
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    TDub polycounter lvl 13
    Did this one for the girlfriend. Hand painted zebra decal -

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