The Brief
We too can do it! It's not a joke. :poly114:
Seven buddies who've never done 3d stuff for games, want to lose their gameart virginity.
We're studying at Drimagine, first and only serious 3D and animation school in Poland, eastern Europe. Our dream is to work in the gameart industry in the future, so it's time to get our lazy asses to work. Different people, different experience and one goal, to create a kick-ass game character!
The topic of our challenge is to create a character/creature that have important role in the game, some sort of a hero, boss, main villain or prominent npc. Considering that it's our first gameart model ever, the design theme is open. It can be any style and genre; sci-fi, fantasy, post-apo, cyberpunk. etc.
The specs:
- Single character
- Up to 10,000 triangles ( character, clothing, equipmenet, everything except a pedestal )
- 2048x2048 material (Diffuse, normal, specular, alpha, glow...)
- T pose forbidden! The character has to be posed.
- Any sort of pipeline, no restrictions here.
- No post production, yeah the use of photoshop is forbidden. Just pure realtime game engine render. (Photoshop can be used for composition of images, typography etc.)
- Final beauty shot of your character.
- Close ups on details like the face, weapons and such.
- Image of mesh
- Texture sheets
- Concepts, you have to make your own, no one can do it for you.
We've alot to do at school, and we do not even know what's sleep anymore... anyhow we'll try to do it in one month, we'll see...
Regarding the fact that we've very little experience in this field any sort of tips and constructive critique is welcome.
When each of one will finish his project, we'll post a voting thread in which you guys will pick the best project. The winner gets vodka! And alot of it!
Good luck everybody, may the force be with you.
I wanna join one of these someday =(
My turn. Still searching main idea.
:-] - 3 and 4 are my favorites.
but everybody are drawing bitches in robots! isn't it little bit boring ;p ?
i thought combination of women from 40's with something from other dimension could be more interesting than next girl in robot. but ok, i'll draw a little bit moar of 3rd an 5th
from born's concept i like 2nd - it look little bit like crazy goblin mage. and from ponk's stuff my fav is last one which looks like some kind of aquanaut of diver's suit (it has just too small legs imo - check it with something more masive)
Gone crazy and had to resurrect my single-core-amd with 1GB ram and run 3ds max 8, lol, so oldschool and stylish, innit?:poly124:
But still i dont give up, will post ASAP!
Ponk - Out of those sketches, I think the 4th one is the coolest.
Born - Though you said you weren't totally happy, I think 5 looks pretty sweet. Like some kind of tribal warrior - gives some good opportunities to have an interesting silhouette
Born. Bottom middle intruiges me the most.
and...":-]" 5 blows my mind. She has such style and presence and this weird allure to her...
Here's a concept i did, altho i'm a total newbie when it comes to 3d modeling
I've done like 5 models or so in my life, it'll be a real challenge for me.
I'll try to some more concepts to have some kind of a backdoor if this one's to tough.
EDIT: Somehow the image is not being displayed, so here's the link for now.
Uploaded with
Rough, not detailed version.
It`s going slowly to something nicer to eye.
Will try and give some crit if and when I can. Looks like you are off to a good start though.
Offtopic, I'd love to join Drimagine in this year, wonder how good one has to be to be accepted... It is visible that level of students is rising comparing to past semesters
First modeling steps:
Its been a week i think, and still cant find anything interesting... But i thing im gonna go with this last one.... Though Im not sure what it actually is or even could be.... hehehe.
P.S. while writing this post I accidently mixed mayonnaise with coffee... dunno why....
So. On monday i need to draw 50 people poses 5min each, 10 ended photoshop paintings, self portrait, 2 projects of rotoscopy in AE, 2 animations-20 sec of robot and 15 of facial, and poses one. AAAAAAA!!!!
Dunno when I`ll show next progress.
Hate mondays.
and whats the complete name of the art school that you mentioned?
@igi - DRIMAGINE, thats the full name (I believe they come up with it mixing dreams with imagination..... kinna confusing... )
I`ve found some time today to make update: