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PS CS5 3D feature tutorial?

Hey folks;

I read on the Dominance War thread how one of the guys was using the 3D feature of CS5 to do his texture.

Assuming I already have my mesh, it's already uved, and a blank texture, is there a tutorial on what to do from there?

So far I exported to obj, pulled it up in CS5 and was able to paint on it. Unfortunately the process was slow and I ended up with strange shading errors.

It just didn't feel very accurate, like I wouldn't see myself painting eyes and details this way.

Though so far it seems it might be great to blend seamlines.

Basically trying an alternative to Zbrush. Thanks in advance.


  • Jeff Parrott
    Offline / Send Message
    Jeff Parrott polycounter lvl 19
    Have you tried 3D Coat? http://3d-coat.com/

    ZBrush works pretty well for painting like that.

    Photoshop 3D I hate less the more I use it. It's definitely not the fastest 3D painting program. But it's not really a 3D painting program anyways. It's a nice feature to have in there for seams like you said.
  • doggett
    I was painting a 4k model with 1024^2 colour texture without lag! Massive improvement on Cs4's performance.

    You tried Photoshop CS5(extended)'s help file... pretty straight forward. Except for some of the annoying default values. (Putting ambient up to white is the equivalent of fully illuminating your model, then theres spec values to get rid of for diffuse only work).

    I tended to open the texture and create a new layer save it (PSB?) then paint over seams so that you can put them onto your master PSD (rather than a collapsed image).

    You can paint straight onto the model OR paint on layers above it then collapse onto it (CTRL+E = merge layers).

    It's uses object space normals though which is strange? Says it was cheaper to implement :(

    Also of note is if your UV's use symmetry you'll need to offset one half or it they will be fighting :poly142:
  • tristamus
    Offline / Send Message
    tristamus polycounter lvl 9
    Eh, man, to be honest, I wouldn't use Photoshop's current 3d ANYTHING except for getting rid of seams or that kind of technical stuff. Just 3d text and what-not.

    Like Jeffro said, it's not really built to be a 3d program, and it will probably be a while till it can do it even half as efficiently as ZBrush (Or 3dCoat, which is excellent BTW.)
  • helldiver
    thanks guys. Gonna pick up 3D coat. Will do the trial first to see how quickly I learn it and if it fits into my rudementary art creation process.
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