Hi to all, in this days im trying to create a ME Scene Style, but i have problem for the lightmap.
Without lightmap:

With lightmap:

Mesh with UV lightmap:

Why when i activate the "emissive static lighting" for the "arrow", the mesh have a strange lighting effect?
Thanks and sorry for my english. :poly124:
just a guess mind but the emissive light isnt doing anythign in the top picture and its definitely affecting the mesh in question.
have you tried adjusting the lightmass world settings and/or the material settings. i dont know which setting is causing the problem but just experiment.
can you upload the package and map? i can have a quick look but i can't promise anything!
So far as your lighting goes its very white and boring. It looks like your copying the wards, which had lots of hot/cold lighting (which looks really punchy). personally i make it a rule to not use any totally white lights
99.9% of light sources have some colour tint to them, even the sun. pure white light looks sterile and artificial.
heres something to consider.
what program did you use????
Have you made sure the lightmap resolution is high enough not to cause seems?