Team name:
Ender's Games
Project name:
12th Hour"
Brief description:
The game will a simple survival horror game. Instead of killing monsters, it focuses on the need to hide from a single attacker and out-witting him to survive. The game will use low polygon 3d assets. Looking for a style of painted graphics. Like it was a scene from a painting.
Target aim:
The game will be for retail sales on the Android market. Expecting a few thousand downloads in the first six months.
Compensation will be a share of the profits. 25 cents and up per download. Depending on skill, number of artist, and number of assets contributed.
Target systems are Android Devices. Java is the primary language using opengl ES 1.0.
Talent needed:
Currently I need a 3d modeler who can also texture and animate. We will discuss specifics of what is need first.
Team structure:
Myself right now. I am the programmer. You will be the artist.

You can also use the models for your own portfolio. I will also want to probably use you for future projects as well.
Previous Work by Team:
I have programmed many solo projects without publishing. Wanted to learn as i go along. Now, I wish to bring this new project to life.