I have an idea for this model where its hoist plays a small bit in the overall model/presentation. I spent most of my time tonight looking at references for hoists, hooks and chain blocks then quickly did up this render below. Everything thats new from the last WIP shot is very quickly done and will be finalized by the next update I am sure.
The plating on the hoist is boring and not detailed, the chain links need to darker when rendered and the hooks are too glossy. Then when those things are done they'll get a brief material pass.
I'm also going to have a few extra chains draped over the Fatman as seen in some of my references.
Question: What's the best way to create chain links and have them follow along a spline? A mini-tutorial would earn you 10 high-fives.
This is looking great! I love the imperfections in the fins, the bends in the metal and slight ill regularities you get when fabricating. All those little touches lead to the objects creditability and are oh-so-often over looked by 3D artists.
For zero distortion, realistic bending and physics you can use Paul Hormis dynamic chain tutorial.
It looks big and scary when you get down to the physics section but once you get the concept down its crazy simple. You can also skip that step if you don't need dynamic chain and deform the "driver" any way you need to.
It's still technically longer than the path deform method but when path deform doesn't work you can fall back on this method and get the results you need.
Is this a bad time to point out that the little flanges at the corners of the main tail assembly were filed off on one side to make the weapon fit in the bomb bay?
I'm still looking for photo reference of that, but it's relatively well documented. Dunno if you'd want to include that little detail or not.
I wanted to make a quick point to those who are new to highpoly modeling:
My edges are very thin on this model. If I were using this to bake out to a normal map I would have created thicker or more soft edges. This will get baked to very few pixels really well and compensate for what your brain thinks your eye see's in the real world.
For me, this was something fun to do over a few days where I didn't want to concern myself with typical restriction I get from work. I wanted to model a bomb in highpoly and have fun rendering it out. Mission accomplished.
Great work, Adam. If I had to nitpick, the tiling of the micro bump detail is obvious in some spots. Otherwise I don't have any issues. Very well done.
looks sweet Adam, but I'm having a hard time believing those little chains could hold thaat big bomb up. Unless maybe they're chrome steel or somethin.
Really nice work Adam, and thanks for the insight about the thin edges vs thicker/softer edges. Would you mind giving some insight about your render set up?
Finished. Like.. finished finished. 3 renders are done. Wire shots are done. If you have any questions, let me know. If not, I'll move on to my next project.
Ahh great, cheers for that! Its actually quite a similar shader set-up to the one ive used in my show reel for the High Poly Golf Cart at the end, cept you've made it look alot more refined. I'm really impressed with how much you've made of a glorified weapon of death and chaos, i think thats why its so powerful, seeing as we are conditioned to fear them, i almost feel scared to stare at it in a bizarre way, like the gamma rays are going to melt my eyes through the screen.
nice and clean adam, tight work. Little frustrating that the render is so huge though, either it's too small or way too huge for me to get a *good* look at it, heh
Thanks guys The Fatman was a fun object to make because of its shape, which wasn't time consuming to achieve. I also enjoyed the history on the bomb I read about. I think if I do another bomb, I'll try something that shows its history.
Really nice work dude, i especially like how you handed the welded seams. I would have assumed zbrush but that looks like a nice and elegant solution :thumbup:
I have an idea for this model where its hoist plays a small bit in the overall model/presentation. I spent most of my time tonight looking at references for hoists, hooks and chain blocks then quickly did up this render below. Everything thats new from the last WIP shot is very quickly done and will be finalized by the next update I am sure.
The plating on the hoist is boring and not detailed, the chain links need to darker when rendered and the hooks are too glossy. Then when those things are done they'll get a brief material pass.
I'm also going to have a few extra chains draped over the Fatman as seen in some of my references.
Question: What's the best way to create chain links and have them follow along a spline? A mini-tutorial would earn you 10 high-fives.
Shitty rushed minitut:
This method does have its limitations though, as tight bends will fuck its shit up, but its the only way i could think of off the top of my head.
bbob I will give this a go as well! TEN HIGH FIVES FOR U.
For zero distortion, realistic bending and physics you can use Paul Hormis dynamic chain tutorial.
It looks big and scary when you get down to the physics section but once you get the concept down its crazy simple. You can also skip that step if you don't need dynamic chain and deform the "driver" any way you need to.
It's still technically longer than the path deform method but when path deform doesn't work you can fall back on this method and get the results you need.
I'm still looking for photo reference of that, but it's relatively well documented. Dunno if you'd want to include that little detail or not.
I wanted to make a quick point to those who are new to highpoly modeling:
My edges are very thin on this model. If I were using this to bake out to a normal map I would have created thicker or more soft edges. This will get baked to very few pixels really well and compensate for what your brain thinks your eye see's in the real world.
For me, this was something fun to do over a few days where I didn't want to concern myself with typical restriction I get from work. I wanted to model a bomb in highpoly and have fun rendering it out. Mission accomplished.
Damn it, never mind.
Nice bomb, Adam.
oh and where are the textures?
Sigh, if only I could turn back time and do it before you...
Really lovely, saving this in my inspiration folder right away.
Care to explain the shader used? (I wont be offended if you say no)
Great work.
The shader is standard stuff: Diffuse colour and spec, controlled gloss and spec levels. Heightmap applied for bump information.
As you can see I tried out a ton of angles while I was working on this thing. I think in the end I had 9 camera setup's.
The lighting is simple as well. 1 spot, 1 omni and 1 skylight. All 3 are set to cast shadows to various degrees.
Right on, thanks man. I really like your portfolio. I am going to use your Youtube video in a News post some time this week I am sure.
Really? thanks for taking a look at it, any critique you could drop in my thread will be added onto the top of list of stuff i need to improve.
Being in a news post would probably make my young life. No pressure or anything...
awesome highpoly.
Only Adam could make something so fat, so sexy.
Thx for the breakdown adam,
heh, really well done!!
- BoBo
Kudos man.
I'm going to keep this around for reference.
So, if I'm not mistaken, for your lighting you're using just 1 skylight, 1 target spot, and one omni?
Thanks guys
I'm thinking of doing the Tsar Bomba next.
What does your bump map look like?