The selection of whatever faces I have selected in the UV Editor carries over to Edit Poly no problem, but I can't seem to find a way to get edge or vert selection to carry over, does anyone know of a way?
It's simple enough to select the boarders of UV shells in the 3dsmax editor window, bind Open Edge Mode or Open Edge Select to a key and bam you're selecting the boarder edges of UV shells. However there doesn't seem to be a way to transfer that selection to Edit Poly.
What I'm trying to do is break the actual geometry along UV boarders, sort of a way to quickly force hard edges without having to monkey with smoothing groups. If the engine is going to break the geometry along smoothing and UV boarders anyway it would be helpful to see what that will look like without having to export/import and update. I think there might be a problem with max then displaying the normals "incorrectly" but there are half a dozen shaders floating around that probably correct this?
I've played around with renderhjs's UV<->3D tool but I can't really get it to work like I need. It always seems to merge things back together...
Long post short: Transfer Edge selection from UVW Unwrap to Edit Poly, Go...
It monkeys with the smoothing groups though though I think its what you after in the end.
Maybe if it's impossible to transplant the edge selection, you might be able to expand on what you have and create elements based on the smoothing groups after transferring the UV shells to smoothing groups? I looked around for a script that could do it and didn't find any on script spot, I also tried creating it myself and holy balls are smoothing groups confusing...
Splitting your model "manually" is actually a bad thing, if you're keeping it like that, as it may force your exporter to keep all that extra vertex data around, in an attempt to preserve the artist's intent.
Your mileage may vary of course.
So I have to find another way to use a way to get the GeoEdges, will look into it further later. But the script is more or less done - except it fails because of AUtodesk, should work with max 9 though I guess because thats the last version it was not broken.
I've contemplated installing my old copy of Maya just to get it done quickly... It's a 2 command process in Maya. Select, break done.
HJS, YES!!! I've got 9 installed, along with every release since then, it seems to work fine in 9 so I thank ya for that! It's kind of weird opening up 9 and seeing my old UI layout.
I submitted it as a legacy bug to Autodesk, I won't hold my breath there are about 6 or 7 legacy maxscript bugs I wish they would fix and never have. But one more complaint in the bucket never hurts to tip the scale.
Thanks buddy, your awesome!
I've been searching for similar answer but found none. I want to transfer vertex selection from UVs to editable poly mode. Selecting faces and then converting to vertex selection is no-go this time.
A picture to illustrate what I want to achieve... If anyone has something I'll be very glad .
turbo tools has what you want.
Download Matts Turbo tools
Download Pier J's Edgesmooth
Install both.
Under Customize User Interface in the UV tools, look for one called "Open Edge Select". Add that to one of your quad menus when in UV mode.
1. UV Edit, select one of the edges of the island, then hit the open Edge Select button. This will select the island (you can select more than one island at once by selecting an edge from each island).
2. Turn your selection in to a vertex selection (ctl click on the vertex icon).
3. Use Turbo Tools as shown above to make this into an Vertex selection on your mesh.
4. Turn this selection under edit poly into an edge selection (ctl click on the edge icon).
5. Shrink the Selection by one.
6. Choose the Edge Harden.
*If the edge is only one ring wide, shrinking by one will select the ring as well, so you have to deselect the ring manually before edge Harden.
Is there any easier way to do this?
This is leading to wacky results with things like triangles being one polygon out.
Smoothing Groups are really just an abstraction of vertex normals. If you want to see what they're doing, add an Edit Normals modifier. A vertex on a hard edge has two vertex normals, one for each side's polygon. A vertex at the end of one of those hard edges, where the poly share SGs, just has a single vertex normal.
The only problem with this:
1. That of course there is the extra step to export/import.
2. The normals for each vertex are locked in place. Smoothing groups have no effect on the model. While resetting the normals to average will still lockout the smoothing groups. The only way I have found to "reset" the model is export/import again with export normals off.
1. select the edges that are going to be seams in EDIT POLY (NOT Uwrap UVW, I hate it's selection tools - slow as hell )
2. add Unwrap UVW to the object, transfer the selected edges.
3. convert the selection to pelt/peel seams, do quick peel, voila
This wonderful tool had the same workflow - , but it's not working with Max 2012/13 ...
I found this thread in which they discuss the same matter;
This should work imho: