Working on this till my new laptop comes on the 14th and I get ready to bake a ton of stuff.
Open for crits but I won't take them all because I have my own vision but I welcome them still.
Working on basic shapes and then it's on to the high poly. I might have to re-do the RIS shield because it's basically a stretched plane and when I extrude the faces it gets all screwy, going back on itself etc.
Here's what I got so far.
based off of my very crappy painting
Practically, though, that thing would be all but impossible to hold. There's barely room to get your hand on the pistol grip, and the mag / mag support would be banging into your wrist and forearm, possibly even restricting the range of motion and aiming.
in the simplest way, there is an obvious reason why you don't want a handhold forward of the muzzle. it's dangerous, and guns blast hot powder and fowling out of every possible angle from the point of ignition. so while i appreciate that the forward sight and lower handguard extending further than the barrel gives it a unique visual, one i personally like, there happens to be some very good reasons why you've never seen this configuration before. the gun would constantly be dirtying up everything forward of the muzzle, also burning unwary hands placed too far forward. just extend the barrel through the sight post.
everything else checks out more or less, looking forward to seeing the model develop.
I appreciate the ideas and will continue to work on this piece.
I have a number of fixes in mind.