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Another xNormal issue =\

polycounter lvl 9
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tristamus polycounter lvl 9
So, I have my HP rock mesh sculpts going, and I retopologized them. I laid out my UV's on the retopo'd meshes and want to bake my HP to my new LP retopologized meshes...however, when I throw my HP and LP into xNormal and generate, I get something I can't understand...I get a map that has a a bunch of "ripples" in it. I don't know exactly what it is in my workflow that is wrong, I've used xNormal before and have gotten great results.

Here's pics of what is going on...

Wacked normal map...




New, Retopo'd LP with UV Map...


Any ideas guys? This makes no sense to me...


  • tristamus
    Offline / Send Message
    tristamus polycounter lvl 9

    I solved the problem myself, thankfully.

    It was during the auto retopologization process in 3D Coat that was goofing it up. I increased the voxel density of the object before retopologizing, and for some reason, that made it go weird once the retopologization was done and exported.
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