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Various thoughts for TF2 models

Time and time again, I've had thoughts of various TF2 hats and miscellaneous items that may be of interest to the Team Fortress 2 community and Valve. Additionally, these same ideas may be profitable to the modeler if accepted. If not, at the very least, they're neat ideas to mod into the game and at the very least, spark interests or ideas for the game.

So what am I asking for then? For some time, I've had various ideas spawn and have attempted by my own means to try and model them. Quite simply, modeling is an art. Some have it, some don't. I've come to accept I simply lack the talent of modeling. I'd like to see at least a few of these ideas come into existence though instead of them sitting and gathering dust. They're potential money (and at that, fame too) for the upcoming modeling individual. I'm hoping that if any particular person were talented in modeling, but more or less creative, that they'd be willing to work with me on making these ideas. Perhaps I could lend my assistance as far as some of my other talents as far as literary assistance (by means of naming or describing the said items). I'm also fairly literate on how Team Fortress 2 works and can put these items in-game in order to test them.

In short, I'm just looking for a person who is a capable modeler and is willing to hear me out on these ideas and potentially follow through on them. The best means as of now should be through PM.
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