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ballroom UDK



  • luck6
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    luck6 polycounter lvl 10
    OMG! OMG!

    I got real time reflection :D
    And it's running smootly on my GeForce 8600
    I'm so happy

    shadows are still a problem though

  • Bobby J Rice 3rd
    Stunning lighting. I'm Impressed. The lighting is the biggest gain so far.

    Mostly what stands out to me though are the mass amounts of aliasing. Pretty much the entire scene suffers, but what i noticed most were each Pillar Base. Also, and this is just my opinion, the top tear just before the arching ceiling seems structurally weak. Adding some sort of broader length or thickness to that area would really help sell the idea that everything fitted "works". Right now it kinda feels like paper and could fall down. Adding some beveling to this scene in area's of noticeable hard edges would really help.

    Could you post Wires and maybe some textures from the scene?
  • brandoom
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    brandoom polycounter lvl 15
    Nice looking scene Luck,

    like others have said, nice lighting. The reflection on the floor are really nice touch as well.

    Whats the issue with the shadows? Have you created a 2nd UV channel for your props for lightmaps? Check out this tutorial by Hourence. http://www.hourences.com/tutorials-ue3-lightmapping/
  • glottis8
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    glottis8 polycounter lvl 9
    much better! i like the reflections!
  • luck6
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    luck6 polycounter lvl 10
    brandoom wrote: »
    Nice looking scene Luck,

    like others have said, nice lighting. The reflection on the floor are really nice touch as well.

    Whats the issue with the shadows? Have you created a 2nd UV channel for your props for lightmaps? Check out this tutorial by Hourence. http://www.hourences.com/tutorials-ue3-lightmapping/

    Got things working right now
    All the lights below the balcony had static shadows turned off
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    SHEPEIRO polycounter lvl 17
    id still pull back on the yellow in the scene
  • luck6
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    luck6 polycounter lvl 10

    Time for another Update :)

    *structurally improved
    *less yellow
    *new carpet and black wood decal

    still a little bit empty in the middle

    Anyways, does anyone know how to get better anti-alias?
    I looked for it in the Baseengine.ini
    But i can't find MaxMultisamples.
    Is there someone out there with anti-alias experience :)
  • divi
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    divi polycounter lvl 12
    im really liking this.
    i shall watch.
  • Bigjohn
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    Bigjohn polycounter lvl 11
    It still feels a bit like the pillars are floating. Though it's looking much better. I'm not sure how to help it exactly, maybe stronger AO-type shadows around that?

    And yeah, the middle looks empty, but that's because it should be filled with people dancing :)

    About the AA, I don't know exactly how to get that, but what I do is I take a tiledshot, which means you get an image that's 4 times the size of your original (or more, you can set the amount), and then scale it down 50% in Photoshop and you get an AA-like effect. Take a look here:
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    SHEPEIRO polycounter lvl 17
    stronger reflections around the edge of the floor would help (foot steps and dancing wear the floor down making it slightly less reflective on the dance floor (or at least more diffused reflection)
  • luck6
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    luck6 polycounter lvl 10
    Got another update
    I think this will give the floor more detail

  • luck6
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    luck6 polycounter lvl 10
    Crazyeyes wrote: »
    Stunning lighting. I'm Impressed. The lighting is the biggest gain so far.

    Mostly what stands out to me though are the mass amounts of aliasing. Pretty much the entire scene suffers, but what i noticed most were each Pillar Base. Also, and this is just my opinion, the top tear just before the arching ceiling seems structurally weak. Adding some sort of broader length or thickness to that area would really help sell the idea that everything fitted "works". Right now it kinda feels like paper and could fall down. Adding some beveling to this scene in area's of noticeable hard edges would really help.

    Could you post Wires and maybe some textures from the scene?

    here is a making of one of my textures :)

  • whats_true
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    whats_true polycounter lvl 15
    To ground the pillers, maybe try fakeing the AO on the ground with a transparent square, fuzzed out to mimic the shadow?

    Would push the reflection on the floor a little. Oh, i know what its missing! the lighting from the ceiling and walls is not reflection on the ground!


    Notice the hot spots on the floor from the lights. Its missing in your scene...
  • Contrails
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    It's getting better and better :)

    like whats_true said, pushing the reflection a little more will help - also I might suggest some wood trim - it will blend in better, seeing as the wall already has some.

    You might also want to consider reunwrapping the chandeliers - theres a bit of stretching and I think it's currently the weakest point of the scene
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