So with the start of a new year and a new quarter of school, I decided I wanted to devote more of my time to working on developing 3D characters for my reel and portfolio. I've been doing character modeling/texturing/rigging for a couple years now, but I feel that I'm at the point now that I can start showing my things and be able to appreciate any feedback I get.
So, for my first character, I'm going to do a design I've been toying with for the past couple of days. Since I'm a 2D animator at heart, whenever I get a new character design, I always spend a few days drawing them and trying to capture the feel of the character. This usually involves a lot of design changes, but this design I liked almost the moment I put it down on paper.
Here's the sketches I've been playing around with (all very loose and messy):
At some point, I decided I wanted his ponytails to 'burst into flames' whenever he's in 'Berserk Mode'. I started thinking about how I wanted to animate that, and I realized the kind of stylistic approach that would work best would be a sort of Okami-brush animated texture on polystrips. I've never had much experience doing that, but I think it'd be great practice in translating something that would normally be animated in 2D, into a 3D representation.
I really liked the action poses I got with him, particularly how uncontrolled his movements feel. One of my focuses is going to be in figuring out how I want to model and rig him to make those motions feasible.
You can tell I'm really iffy with his facial anatomy... I'll probably do a lot more head sketches for him and taking a few shots at head sculptures before deciding what I want. Hopefully the poor faces don't detract from the rest of the poses too much.
After all that, I drew up my turntable for him (Pardon the simplicity):
At this point, I think I have a good enough feel of the character to be able to begin work on getting a base mesh. I think I'll try to do High poly sculpt first (I've never had much practice with sculpting either, so it seems like a perfect incentive to dive into it), then do my base mesh. I'll be working on this as if he were to be put into a video game, so if anyone knows any technical limitations that would be a good guideline for this, it'd be appreciated. Right now I'm thinking 1024x for textures and maybe 10,000 tri count limit? Including his Glaive.
I'll begin work on the mesh, but any critique anyone has would be greatly appreciated. Hope this thread will be interesting to read.