Hey guys,
I'm desperately searching for the font used on (the most recent) soviet dog tags and I was wondering if any of you might recognise it/be able to point me in the right direction. The best I've found so far would be Chicago Plain or some thinner varient of Impact, but they're not quite it.. Any ideas?
Here's a pic:

But whathefont still struggled with it, even after I cleaned it up a bit.
There's a forum on Whatthefont that usually comes up with an answer pretty quickly. I've already got an account, so I made you a thread.
Give it a day or so and you'll probably have an answer
@Jackablade: Hehe, I tried that image as well but couldn't find an exact match either:( Thanks a ton for making that thread:D
@SnowInChina: Hmmm, I googled for some technical drawing fonts but it doesn't quite match it. I think the way the C is done is pretty characteristic, haven't seen it around all that much.
Why do you need that exact font?
Aside from the fact it's probably some block-printing stamping machine thing that you don't just plug 'fonts' into, you're surely wasting time waiting around just waiting for the name of the font which may never come up.
Unless you're making knock-off Soviet dog tags, surely you can just use a similar alternative?
I'm assuming you are working on some kind of character who will be wearing these dog-tags and want some authenticity in your work... if that's the case, firstly, is anyone really gonna see them that close? And secondly, is anyone really gonna think 'omgwtf he didn't use the exact font'?
There should be a fair few fonts that resemble it pretty close and as SnowInChina suggested, it looks like a CAD style stencil font. Surely dafont.com has something.
/two cents
Creation; It will be worn as a dog tag on the character yeah. The thing is, although I'm sure 99% of people won't see it or recognise it, I still want to do it for a closeup shot on my portfolio. And hey, if I'm gonna do the text anyway, why not use the proper font right? Seeing as it really doesn't take an awful lot time to do that(all I have to do now is wait and just work on the other parts), I might as well.
Winterlord; Yes! Maybe I should just replace it with comic sans cuz