MaxScript is strange.
Some of the more difficult or intricate tasks it pretty much does for you, and yet some of the absolute simplest tasks like modifying a vertex position is difficult or undocumented.
The Editable Mesh or Editable Poly methods don't work on the EP modifier, and I can't find anything suggesting how this is done in the MaxScript help.
I just want to write a quick randomise script, manipulating vertices, should bde very, very simple - but strangely, changing the positions of Edit Poly vertices doesn't seem that simple.
Does anyone know how it's done?
I just came up with this, I think this is what you want
Really, the best way to do this is just use an Edit Poly or Edit Mesh and use the polyop or meshop methods. Using the EditPoly Modifier takes much more time to process the verts than polyop does.
good luck!
Cheers for the code Matt, much appreciated, it looks to be exactly what I want
I had no idea that manipulating modifiers would be difficult, or any different actually. I would have thought Max would make controlling them more seamless to be honest, ie have an internal wrapper that does the business, and the user just controls them as if they were an editable poly or mesh.
I would just convert, because honestly, I hate working with a stack. I much prefer the cleanness of constantly collapsing to edit poly.
The thing is, I have to keep my stack, because it's a driving game course made with line and sweep, and I have to keep the line there in case I need to change the shape of various parts of the track.
All I want this to do by the way is manipulate a selection of vertices, in this case applying a slight randomisation to a ring of vertices that represent mountain tops, to make it look a bit more natural etc.
Good luck!
I didn't even think to look for a PN function in Max
And if there's anything more unique I want to do with vertex positions, I can use the code Matt posted.
By the way I agree Matt. Max is an impressive and powerful program and in some ways MS is very easy, but very much all over the place