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Non-ISP, domain based email hosting?

polycounter lvl 18
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flaagan polycounter lvl 18
So, Comcast doing it's usual stupidity (combined with a few other things) has my family without its main email addresses for the next few days. Perfect timing, right as we're heading off on a week-long trip.

This is near, if not the, final straw for me personally, as far as dealing with an ISP-based email account. I'm amazed comcast hasn't gone around telling everyone they're switching their emails to xfinity.com or some such nonsense. We've been with 'this' ISP through two if not three domain name changes over the years, and I'm tired of it, and tired of dealing with too-braindead-friendly 'customer support reps'.

We've got a domain name I'd like to set up as our 'perminent' email address home; not a forwarding service like we're currently using it for on occassion. The dream setup would be something we could access anywhere (web interface I'd guess), but mainly use from home with Outlook (keeping a local .pst copy to be backed up). One big concern is that we currently each have a rather large local .pst that I'd like to get integrated into our new email. Of course, you've also got the issue of our ISP email addresses still around, and connected (in some cases seemingly permanently as a login) to accounts on various sites.

To some degree, I'd probably be just happy having an email service provider that we can use our domain name with and just work with that.

Any suggestions on a particular route to follow?


  • Yozora
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    Yozora polycounter lvl 11
    I'm using Google apps for your domain. It's free (or you can pay for the business version if you want) and pretty easy to setup.
  • Mark Dygert
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    I totally agree its better than having a ISP based email address, if you move or switch providers they've got your email address and they're not going to let it go.

    I signed up for yahoo business hosting many years ago, it's something ridiculously cheap like 6-8 bucks a month. http://smallbusiness.yahoo.com/
    (Looks like I might of been grand fathered in at a lower rate?)

    It's rock solid service, never had a problem getting into the FTP or setting up a site. Their site building tools are crap but I don't know anyone who doesn't prefer building it from scratch on their own.

    It came with 200 email addresses (of which I've used 2), web base email, POP3 access so you can plug into it from outlook or any other 3rd party email client including iphone and android. I don't use the domain that much other than for email and to host large files I don't want to stuff in my dropbox.
  • PredatorGSR
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    PredatorGSR polycounter lvl 14
    Any reason you don't want to use gmail? It's what all the cool kids are using these days.
  • jipe
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    jipe polycounter lvl 17
    I second the Google Apps recommendation. It's pretty easy to set up, it's free for up to 50 accounts, and it's not tied to an ISP or web host. Plus it looks (and works) just like Gmail.
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