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UV unwrap troubleshoot

polycounter lvl 13
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megalmn2000 polycounter lvl 13
Hi all,

I've got a unwrap problem.
I don't know if it's my plugins or not, but I got this frustrating problem theses days:

- I got a model
- I unwrap it with the modifier "Unwrap UVW"
- I unwrap it perfectly
- I collapse the "Unwrap UVW"
- When I re-click on the "Unwrap UVW" modifier, and I check out my UV, it's gone!
They replace my UV to a default one...
And it happen all the time...

The only solution I found was to save the UV and reload it 2 times and some other operations.

I use "TexTools" and "XrayUnwrap".

Thanks for all support!


  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
    some thoughts:
    • make sure that you have the same channel working on, if you work on channel 2 or higher you get this confusing question if you want to reset or so, hit yes - otherwise it will revert to the former state.
    • I always collapse the whole stack so I just get 1 editable poly, thats my backup plan every time as it merges the UV data to the base object.
  • megalmn2000
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    megalmn2000 polycounter lvl 13
    Thanks renderhjs!
  • Ott
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    Ott polycounter lvl 13
    Always right click on the Unwrap UVW modifier and click "Collapse To".
  • rumblesushi
    I absolutely fucking hate this, it happens to me all the time. If you go back to work on a previous element of the stack, bam, UV's gone, and it's not undoable.

    Ideally yes, you want to keep collapsing to an editable poly to hard code the UVs, but I'm working on a driving game level at the moment where that's not possible, as I need the spline in the stick to modify the track shape as necessary.
  • megalmn2000
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    megalmn2000 polycounter lvl 13
    I just find the problem.
    Well, I just uninstall my "XrayUnwrap" plugin and it works now.
    The chuggnut panel just re-appear like magic and everything works fine now.
    I think it's a coding conflict between the plugins...since they use mostly the same tools.
  • Mark Dygert
    I absolutely fucking hate this, it happens to me all the time. If you go back to work on a previous element of the stack, bam, UV's gone, and it's not undoable.

    Ideally yes, you want to keep collapsing to an editable poly to hard code the UVs, but I'm working on a driving game level at the moment where that's not possible, as I need the spline in the stick to modify the track shape as necessary.
    It's important to remember that sub-object selection is passed up the stack.

    If you travel back down the stack to Edit Poly and don't exit sub-object mode, whatever you have selected will be the only thing that the unwrap modifier will operate on. Typically you can just go back down the stack, exit sub-object mode correctly and the Unwrap modifier is back to picking up the whole object.

    The idea of passing just a selection of your mesh up the stack is VERY helpful for a lot of things. Lets say you want to add noise to a soft selected area like a dirt path that runs through a field and its all one mesh. No problem select the path verts/poly/edges, apply noise and only those edges are effected. Or lets say you only want to run a cloth sim on the lower part of a dress, or you want to bend a pipe around a corner with the bend modifier but you don't want the whole pipe bent into a circle.
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