Hey folks,
I think that problem exists for several 3dsmax versiosn now. And I don't know how to fix that bug.
You may have ran about something similiar too. The problem is that 3dsmax accidentally flips the faces/ normals when you mirror, clone or most often while attaching objects in edit poly - randomly.
Have you also seen such problems?
Anyone know how to fix that?
Here is a similar thread http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=79364
To reset the matrix, you should apply a Reset Xform (under Utilities) When a flipped matrix is reseted, you'll see it will flip the faces. So you have to select them and do a "Flip" in your edit poly modfier. You could also use the "Normal" modifier to conform face normals.
Same thing happens when you attach an object with a flipped matrix to an objet with a reseted matrix, the previous object matrix is "reseted" and the faces of your object get flipped.
For stuff like a character, you could use the Symmetry modifier instead, to avoid that little process.
The flipped faces should appear black. Or right click on object>object properties>General>check Backface Cull
So only 1 "side" of the face will show up. If some of of your face become invisble, they are flipped.
But I just did a workaround now. Copied another piece which exported correctly