Drag and drop works, but it will only be availble in that copy of max and the script is only accessible from the toolbar. If you wanted to assign it to a keyboard shortcut or drop it in the quad menu you need to add a header to it and make it an actual script.
(execute it in the listener, then highlight the whole sentence, drag it to the toolbar and then let it drop)
afterwards you can rightclick the icon and change name and icon image and so on
I covered it losely here: http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=78992
If you run into any snags or need a more detailed step by step walk thru let me know.
I think every artist should dabble in some light scripting, it helps so much.
Hear hear!
it has to be within toolbar range ^^ not outside ..
it is interesting also I just found the macro script for that on net
and you pointed out whats the difference between ms vs macro script
thanks very much for the help and tips