Just been binging on Doctor Who episodes and a few other shows, thought came to me to start a 'awesome phrases' thread off of some random things I heard.. let's start.
'Like I'm being attacked by an invisible midget with a shiv'
"England, where glass is a verb!"
(Note: see the attached spoiler for the definition of Wondiferous. I must note that d20's and sleep deprivation were involved in the original creation of that description.)
Wondiferous. Won. Fucking. Diferous. It means that your Won is fucking Diferous, and that you are fucking joyous over how fucking diferous your fucking Won is!
It isn't a word that exists outside of the Thief universe so it's fairly open to interpretation. They do use the term "Taffing" in Deadly Shadows, although I'm not sure that's how Looking Glass initially intended it to be used.
FYI, Jackablade is another term invented just for said game series.
While we're on games inspired words, I'm rather fond of the term "kine" as a particularly elitist collective insult.
Hurr hurr
I'm phraseless.
I heard this on the Simpson's the other day and thought it was pretty cool.
"The real world is for those who can't imagine anything better."
- Gobsmacked
- Chuffed to bits
Commonly used words in englandA particularly nice dublin phrase is
For those not from Ireland mickey is used as a word for penis. (makes Epic Mickey pretty funny)
"Taff off, you taffing taffer."
doh, guess that's more of a quote than a "phrase". Still, I love it, so it stays!
'Like I'm being attacked by an invisible midget with a shiv'
"England, where glass is a verb!"
(Note: see the attached spoiler for the definition of Wondiferous. I must note that d20's and sleep deprivation were involved in the original creation of that description.)
Heh what? Someone use it in a sentence real quick
That was one of my favorite parts of True Grit. Like, ever.
he just got glassed in the face
Ya I thought this game was suppose to be for umm shows only?
Well since thats not teh case I has teh awesome fraze o.O
"You have a gift lad. To find a keeper is not an easy thing. Especially the one who does not wish to be found."
"You cock-juggling thundercunt!"
One a friend of mine came up with: "Horrideous"
And to bring this back around to Doctor Who: "It's bigger on the inside."
FYI, Jackablade is another term invented just for said game series.
While we're on games inspired words, I'm rather fond of the term "kine" as a particularly elitist collective insult.
"most thieves leave behind hundreds of clues... but not me, i'm completely clueless"