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Polycount tutorial section ?

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Noors greentooth
Would a section where Polycounters could post their own tutorials be useful ?

Sharing is the purpose of every forum.
Time to time, Polycounters post a tutorial, share a process, in pimping and previews or technical talk. Sometimes it's just in the middle of a thread and slightly getting lost without the search function.

I know we have a wiki. Eric Chadwik is doing a great job at organizing ressources from polycount and interwebz under categories. I use it a lot.

But, it's not direct. Finding tutorial threads...editing the wiki.
I don't know, i just feel like a bit of organisation at the source could be useful.
Whatyathink ?


  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    isnt the wiki link right on top?

    There are occasional webcasts by few members showing their work flows. It'd be a good idea though.
  • Noors
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    Noors greentooth
    Sorry i don't mean the wiki ain't accessible. I mean it requires an intermediate to look for and find tutorials threads. Then he has to edit the wiki before they become easily searchable/readable by the masses. I assume it's a lot of work and time.

    I'd find more logical if tutorials were posts under a proper section from the begining.
    Again, i'd call this organisation at source. Then the wiki could classified, link to other forums, ressources, complete a subject.
    I think those who take the time to share their knowledge should have more exposure.
  • Geezus
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    Geezus mod
    I second this.

    A "Tutorials" Section under P&P and above TT would be groovy. People would submit tutorials in that section, and approved tutorials would be stickied.
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    Isnt workshop the same idea? But ya I'd vote for this tutorial idea.
  • Will Faucher
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    Will Faucher polycounter lvl 12
    I don't see what the problem with the Wiki is. The wiki itself is very well organized into sections. Each section has links to tutorials, as well as in-depth explanations of said sections.
  • Eric Chadwick
    A tutorials section sounds cool to me, if it makes it easier for people to be exposed to new stuff.

    Personally I like the wiki as a tutorial list, I think of it as a filter and an organization tool. But I miss a lot of stuff on the forums. I welcome more help on the wiki. Quite a few people have registered, but they almost never add stuff after that. Registration is free and quick though...
  • Noors
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    Noors greentooth
    I guess i could give a hand. I'm not considering myself as a good artist but i can probably sort interesting tutorials.

    First, and sadly, I don't think the wiki is the first place people are looking at while they're looking for informations. I mean, i probably spent 1 year here before noticing there was a wiki.

    Also, look at all our TF2 stuff for instance. We had this contest, tons of informations.
    There's nothing about it on the wiki. People have made tutorials,guides on importing/texturing, etc...I can consult them with typing "tf2 tutorials" in the search function, because i know they exist. But if I don't ? How many time did we repeat the same thing to recent users ? I'm sure useful informations has been lost in time (like tears in rain :'( )

    I'm not blaming anyone, i have infinite respect for those who take on their own time to make this community live. There is just maybe ways, little by little, to make stuff more accessible.
  • bbob
    The polycount wiki is my second F1..

    Yeah, it does not contain everything (yet), but it is very comprehensive, and new stuff are added all the time. If you want more in it, there is always a way of getting it there.
  • Eric Chadwick
    I would love someone to gather up all the TF2 goodness and put it on the wiki!

    Here, I started a page for you.
  • Acumen
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    Acumen polycounter lvl 18
    As far as organization goes, I happen to have a lot of trouble finding stuff, that I already know is there.
    The first two levels or organization are fine, but then it gets kinda messy with stuff being here and there and there and over there and sometimes even twice.
    I don't know, it's something that puts me down a lot lately, as I've been trying to get my head around things more often but I just never felt like opening an entire thread just because of that.
    The resources that have been collected are awesome, just a bit all over the place accessible :)
  • Eric Chadwick
    Yeah, organization is tough, it could be better. Here's what we currently have.

    If you have any ideas I'd love to hear them!
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