Hi Everyone!
My main focus at the moment is beefing up my portfolio and getting it all online. Hopefully using some of my work to net some work experience or an internship or even a day visit to a studio! anything I can get my hands on really

So here's a building I'm working on. It's very much a WIP.
The mesh isn't great and needs cleaning up and I want to add a load more bit'n'bobs to make it more interesting. I'm hoping to go for a WoW/Torchlight feel with also with influence from Chris Riddel's illustrations from the Edge Chronicles book series.
My plan is to use this thread along with my blog as a place to keep on posting updates to keep myself motivated and to get some feedback of course

anyway here it is, please crit away!

The textures are still realy basic, working some detail into them is my next move.
Would love feedback and criticism
Are you going to do some handpainted style textures? That would look pretty rad.
good job!Keep us posted man.
@gsokol: that's the plan! I haven't done any hand painted texture stuff before and i realy like it so going to give it a go!
@glottis8: yeh after you mentioned that I can really notice it, especially on the tower and sides of the roof, shouldn't be too tricky to have a play around with them see if i can make those lines a bit more interesting!
Oh and I havnt touched the stonework at the borrom of the wall yet!
Haven't had a chance to go back to the geom yet to tweak the silhouette, wanted to have a go at texturing first to make a start at it.
Isn´t 512 a bit too small though? Looks awfully grainy.
Oh and the reason I haven't overlapped UV's is because they geom was quite a bit diferent in each side. Although thats another otion, overlapping them roughly then having more space to play with.